Diet Coke Vs. Regular Coke – Which is More Harmful for Your Health?

Here's how to switch to a healthier version of drinks


Chances are, you’re probably reading this while sipping on a cola or soda, or maybe you just finished one, or, even as you’re reading this, you’re thirsting for one.
Are you?
And also, it’s possible you’ve thought about going for the ‘diet’ variant at least once, what with the word ‘diet’ bringing up healthier images of drinking soda and coke, but with lesser or maybe no bad effects on health.
Well, did you?

Are Diet Coke actually a healthier version?

When studies started proving the many negative effects of colas and sodas on health, manufacturers decided to launch the favourite beverages in a new and revamped version. The word ‘diet’ was a good way to let consumers believe that these are healthier versions, with absolutely no sugar or calorie content, and as a result way healthier than you would think. In fact, these were marketed as healthy drink options that you could drink without worrying about the impact on your health.

Also Read: Granny’s Secret Diet To Stay Healthy

Unfortunately, this is anything But true, and while there are some positives to the diet variants, the negative effects are serious too. So let’s take a look. And yes, while the results are scary, we’ll tell you how you can swap the sodas for something healthier, that’s tasty too.

Say no to any sugary water

Lesser damage to teeth

When you drink diet soda or coke, it will not leave as much of a residue on your teeth as regular coke or soda. The reason is that diet soda contains artificial sweeteners whereas regular sodas contain natural sugar. This is definitely better for your teeth because bacteria grow when there is sugar, in the absence of which they will not damage your teeth as much as in case of regular soda or coke.

Makes you gain weight, not lose it

Drinking the diet variant instead of regular soda can actually make you gain weight instead of losing it. Diet coke and soda use artificial sweeteners, which are sweeter than natural sugars and trigger your brain into sweet cravings. This can actually make you reach out for the beverage more. Artificial sweeteners can also cause glucose intolerance in your body by interfering with the bacteria in your digestive system.

Actually increases risk of stroke

Yes you read that right. Check out this study involving 84,085 women and 43,371 men, which clearly shows that a higher intake of sweet and sugary beverages as well as low-calorie sodas can significantly increase the risk of stroke.

Healthier beverage options

Try swapping your sodas and colas for:

  1. Naturally infused water – you can add fresh slices based on your taste preference, such as mint or coriander leaves, slices of lemon, cucumber, sweet lime.
  2. Herbal teas such as lavender, chamomile or jasmine.
  3. Fresh fruit or vegetable juices or smoothies.
Try switching to non-soda products for a better health

It may take some time to adjust to the change in taste, but the health benefits are many, so no harming in trying once, right?

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