Do Dance And Yoga Classes Really Make You Lose Weight?

These women tell you why it worked for them and why it didn’t


Yoga, Zumba, aerobic, gym – what is the first word that comes to mind?

If you’re immediately thinking that the word you would associate with these activities is weight loss, maybe it’s time to re-think again.

Yoga classes, that actually started as a an Indian form of healing, are now popular all around the world, while Zumba, aerobics and other dance based activities are also seeing a lot of takers who want instant weight loss.

But does joining these classes guarantee that you will lose weight?

According to Kajal Doultani, dance definitely helps her a lot. Maybe it does not make her lose as many kilos, but “it refreshes our mind by listening to the music and also helps us to tone our bodies.”

Rizwana Nazir feels that dance and yoga classes aren’t just about losing weight, but more about having a positive effect on your day to day life and also helping you stay happy and stress-free, which can reduce the risks of depression and emotional binge eating that can otherwise lead to unhealthy weight gain. “In today’s hectic lives where there is so much stress from work as well as with daily home duties, and barely any time to exercise at all, dance classes do give me freshness and energy. When I am in the dance class, I can just be myself, without worrying who is watching me or judging me, because all of us do the same thing and love it too. During those few hours, you just enjoy the music and moving your body to the rhythm, and come back full of new energy and happiness.”

Yoga or any other exercise will only work if you also take care of your diet

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However, while you may have heard a lot about how joining a yoga or Zumba class will help you lose weight and get fit, there is no magic happening here. 33 year old Vaijanta will tell you exactly that side of the story. “I tried my best to lose weight with yoga, Zumba and even at the gym, but didn’t achieve what I had set out for. I feel that yoga does not help us with any weight loss, but if you do it on a regular basis, you can surely lose inches and maintain our weight by preventing any additional weight gain. Also, if you suddenly stop doing yoga or Zumba, you will most likely put back the kilos again, so in the end, I don’t think that simply doing yoga or Zumba will be of any help if you are trying to lose weight.”

If you really want to lose weight, you will have to bring in a complete change in your exercise and food routine, and stick to it. But if what you want is happiness and a feeling of enjoying what you’re doing, and not necessarily lose weight, then dance and yoga may help you relax and feel good.

Read Also: Buti, Broga, Aerial And Other Emerging Yoga You Need Know

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