Do Warts And Moles Mean Bad Skin Health?

Moles and Warts – Are they harmful for you?

Do Warts And Moles Mean Bad Skin Health?

Moles and warts are relatively common and almost everyone has them. Now, both are a kind of growth that takes place on the skin; a mole is typically caused when there is a growth of melanocytes – cells which contain the pigment that determine your skin color. On the other hand, warts are caused by a virus called HPV or human papillomavirus.
Usually, neither moles nor warts are harmful. However, they might be indicative of certain changes within your skin. When do you know it’s time to see a doctor? Of course, there’s no point in running to a dermatologist every time you see a new wart or a mole.

What is a mole?

When it comes to moles, you don’t really have to worry much. Most people have moles and these usually pop up during your childhood or adolescence, owing to hormonal changes. Also, if you are constantly exposing your skin to sunlight, moles are likely to appear. The kind of mole you have will vary – in terms of both size and shape and even texture. Some moles might be flat while others may be protruding. As a matter of fact, some moles even disappear as you grow older.

Are moles dangerous?

If you have a mole that has become abnormal or atypical, then that could be potentially harmful. An atypical mole may grow out of a mole that has been there for years or may be a new growth. You might notice a large number of moles growing in the same area; this is medically termed atypical nevus syndrome. If that happens, it’s better to see a dermatologist since it could lead to melanoma or skin cancer.

What is a wart?

Warts are growths or tumors on the surface of the skin. The size of the wart would vary from person to person. There are different kinds of warts depending on the location, the texture, the sixe and the shape. Some of the common kind of warts would be regular warts, flat warts, filiform warts and plantar warts. These are protruding and typically rise above the skin and have a slightly rough texture.

Can warts be harmful?

Now, warts usually aren’t harmful and may disappear on their own. Even if you are using over the counter medication like ointments and creams, that wouldn’t do much good since these are superficial and will not address the virus that causes warts. If you notice a new wart, it is always better to keep an eye on it. In case you notice color changes or other unusual skin conditions, you should contact a dermatologist.

Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra has a mole adjacent to her nose

A mole at certain portions of your face is said to be your beauty spot! Even Indian actresses like Rekha and Parineeti Chopra have moles. However, most warts and moles though harmless are skin conditions and shouldn’t be taken lightly. In case you feel worried or notice skin abnormalities, you should definitely contact your dermatologist.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.