Escape From Flu This Season With These Herbs In Hand

It is flu season. Protect yourself with these herbs.

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It’s freezing everywhere and there is a high chance that you can catch cold and flu in this season. If your body has low immunity, flu would have already put your body down. Here are some herbs that you should keep handy to escape from flu this season.

Ginger Rescues You From Flu

Most powerful ginger for flu

Image Credit: Pixabay

Just when you are about to catch flu, you develop the nauseating feel that will worsen the situation. Include ginger in most of your foods and ginger tea is what you should consume in the morning. It has antimicrobial properties that will boost your immune system and save you from nausea. This works instantly.

Astragalus Herb Is The Perfect Choice

Astragalus is less known but most needed

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you reach a herbal shop, you can feel the aroma of a dried herb and that is astragalus. The specialty of this herb is it increases production of lymphocytes and serves as antioxidant. What is even exciting is it prevents radical damage and controls the stress response of body. On the whole, it acts as an astonishing immune stimulant. How can you consume this herb? You can notice few tonics and beverages that have this herb. Carry them with you.

Citrus Leaves Can Cure You

Lemon balm to keep you healthy

Image Credit: Pixabay

The easily accessible citrus leaves have some benefits that can leave you amazed. The leaf can cure sore throat, cough and cold. It is antiviral and works at a lightning speed to heal cold sores. Lemon balm, that is available in the market, can act as tincture to your health issue at all times. This winter, get a citrus balm or crush some citrus leaves and include them in your diet. See your health getting better!

The Highly Effective Elderberry

One elderberry can create the magic

Image Credit: Pixabay

Elderberry is anti-inflammatory and is a herb that anyone refers to in cases of cold and flu. This berry can be eaten directly. Ask a nearby herbologist on its availability and carry one. Though this is a time consuming task, it keeps you away from flu. Perhaps, that’s what we ultimately wanted to achieve!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.