Excellent Home Remedies To Clear Acne Scars

You don’t have to feel shy to disclose your face anymore with these remedies

Image Credit: Eucerin

If you have ever had acne, let me ask you a question. Acne or acne scar – which one was embarrassing? To many, the latter would be embarrassing as they don’t disappear even after hours of makeup. If you are sailing in the same boat, we would like to tell you that there are excellent remedies that can clear the acne scars FAST!

Milk Coconut Scrub – Reduces Scars

Milk and coconut scrub have long-lasting effects on your skin.

Image Credit: L’Oreal Paris

If your refrigerator already has full-fat milk in it, take a teaspoon and add to a half cup of coconut oil and mix them together with one cup of sugar. The lactic acid present in milk can reduce scars and tone down the skin. Sugar is a natural exfoliator and coconut oil treats dead cells. The scrub eliminates red patches and best for hyperpigmentation.

Note: Use brown sugar if your skin is sensitive.

Shea Butter – Specially Made For Your Skin

To exfoliate or moisturize or have clear skin, all you need is just shea butter

Image Credit: Most Inside

Did you know that shea butter is a common ingredient for cosmetics? It is a moisturizer and also eliminates stretch marks. You can directly apply to the dried pigments and see the change in a month.

Make sure that what you have is not refined or filled with fragrance as they don’t brighten your skin.

Dirt Skin Remover – Easy To Make

Dirt is the reason for acne to worsen. Clear it with this hack!

Image Credit: Glamour UK

Generally, the acne scars get deeper and worsen the skin when they accumulate dirt. What is even worse is the dirt settles and piles up as you travel further. When you spot an acne scar, make sure you prepare this dirt skin remover.

Take a quarter cup of calcium bentonite clay and add a few drops of coconut oil and a quarter cup of chamomile herbal tea to it. Chamomile extract is preferred as it gives relaxing benefits to the skin and treats eczema and acne. Bentonite clay instantly exfoliates the skin and flushes impurities out. This is the reason for its presence in facial scrubs.

Honey-Turmeric Scrub – To Eliminate Pores

This face scrub does not only discolor pigments but also adds shine!

Image Credit: YouTube

Curcumin present in turmeric controls excess melanin and lightens your scar. The discoloration can naturally make your skin glow. Add a teaspoon of honey and turmeric (each) and apply the paste to your skin. This can exfoliate and eliminate dead skin cells.

Make sure you use cool water to rinse your face. This helps the effect stay longer.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.