Feeling Angry? This Is How It’s Ruining Your Health

If your anger is getting the better of you, this could help

Image Credit: selfhelp

Getting angry is normal, just the way that maybe you snore, or breathe even.

So why is it so important to get a grip on it, especially when it’s so difficult to control?

The thing is, if you don’t want your health to suffer, it’s best to vent out the anger, instead of letting it cook and boil inside you.

This is how anger is damaging your health.

There are quite a few ways actually.

It Is Not Good For Your Heart

When you get angry, or really angry, and either have an angry outburst or go to great lengths to try and keep your anger in control, it puts a lot of stress on your heart. In fact, till two hours after this angry outburst, the chances of a heart attack actually double.

Speaking up about what is making you angry can help to prevent the issue from escalating.

Your Immunity Goes Low

Can’t vent it out? Write it!

Image Credit: diariolaprimeraperu

With regular anger becoming the norm, there is a marked decrease in the levels of the immunoglobulin A antibody, which lets your body’s cells make the first line of defense against any source of infection.

If you can’t speak up, write it down. Maintain a private diary where you can vent it all out.

Higher Chances Of Feeling Blue

Being angry can often give rise to depression, especially if you’re the type of person who finds it difficult to express the anger. When you are constantly angry, and are thinking about it instead of being able to get it out of your system, your brain negates the positive responses and you feel more and more depressed.

Get busy. Do something that will stop you from thinking about it. Work, run, dance, have sex.

Affect Your Lungs

Irrespective of whether you smoke or not, your lungs can get damaged over the years if you continue getting angry and not letting it out. If you are a regular with angry outbursts, it can have a significant impact on your lung’s capacity, which means it can affect your respiratory health.

Make an anger box. Each time you’re angry, add money into it. Set a goal. If you have less than a certain amount in the box at the end of each month, treat yourself.

Do You Want To Live Lesser?

You may have heard that anger can also reduce your lifespan. Your stress and anxiety can give rise to a host of health issues, none of which are good for you, irrespective of your age. This is especially of a higher concern if you are never able to speak up or vent out your anger.

Meet a therapist who can help you deal with your emotions, and anger, better.

Then again, it’s normal to get angry. So don’t try to find ways to crush it. Instead, be prepared, and give yourself the required tools and tips that can help you manage it in the best possible way.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.