Fermented Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Healthy Way to Lose Weight

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

By Ms. Sheela Seharawat

Selecting the right kind of foods to lose weight is equally as important as the process. Some foods are not only low in calories but are also very effective in supporting weight loss. But there is a lot that needs to be understood abut some food groups like fermented foods that can help a long way in weight loss.

Research says that sustainable or long term and permanent weight loss depends a lot on how healthy is our digestion. You must be having the healthiest foods in the world available, but, if your digestion is not functioning properly, you will have no effect. And this is where fermented foods are the most important in maintaining a healthy life including.

Food that undergo the process of fermentation, a process where natural bacteria feed on natural sugar and starch of the food. It has been found that fermented foods are rich in good enzymes and certain strains of probiotics.

Let’s understand the best ones that aids in weight loss.

Pickled Vegetables

Pickled vegetables promotes digestive health and thereby, weight loss

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Pickled vegetables are one of the most delicious ways to make any normal meal a delicious meal. It not only makes every meal delectable, it also makes it healthier and at the same time you eat your way to lose weight. These pickled vegetables can be easily made at home, and if you are not one of them, who want to try your hand at it, you can easily get them in your food store. It promotes digestive health along with a host of health issues like obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart disease, weight management as well as a host of other conditions.

Fermented Soy And Soy Products

Soy and fermented soy products are rich in probiotics and promote gut health

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Tempeh and Miso are fermented soy products and also a great option for vegetarians and is a great option for a healthy gut and also our waistline. Soy is as it is a great addition to any diet because of its numerous health advantages and when the same is fermented to make various products it gives a double dose of good health for all of us.


Yoghurt is the most consumed fermented milk product and promotes effective weight loss

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Yoghurt is perhaps one of the most preferred and consumed fermented food around the world. It has been an intricate part of many cuisines around the world. Although a by product of milk , yoghurt is one of the best sources of probiotics bacteria, much needed for a healthy gut, optimal digestion and weight loss.


Lassi is a traditional Indian drink and is rich in protein and probiotics for weigh management

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A traditional India flavored and spiced fermented drink stands out as a perfect addition to your daily fluid intake. A rich source of protein and probiotics, is just apt one as a pre-workout drink.


Kimchi is a fermented cabbage salad and is the healthiest probiotic food

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Kimchee is considered as the healthiest probiotic food with enough evidences of effective weight loss. It has significant effect on body fat and weight. It also helps improving conditions of blood sugar, blood pressure and obviously your waistline.


Probiotics Sprouts have healthy bacteria in them that promotes good digestive health and weight loss

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Sprout is one vegetable that is known to have healthy bacteria in them. It is the probiotic bacteria that make the seeds of sprouts to open. Eat them as a salad or in vegetable preparation, get the right amount for a healthy weight management.

The key to all types of foods and the relationship they have with weight loss is, keeping inflammation down. Fermented foods are one of the best ways to ensure that our digestive system is working fine and is also resilient. A resilient body is much more capable of responding to changes in our life, environment, or food choices and can still help us sustain a healthy weight. Since food is the best possible way to assimilate nutrients, versus supplements, eat your fermented foods every day for healthy gut and weight loss.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.

Ms. Sheela Seharawat
Started her career in the Indian Army hospital. She is the founding member of Diet Clinic, a motivational speaker and an expert dietician practicing since 2006 as a registered dietician under IDA