Find Out How Food You Eat Impacts Your Mood

Have you ever become happier after eating something? Find out the science behind it.

Find Out How Food You Eat Impacts Your Mood
Image Credit: Medical News Today

You must have heard people say that people who eat non-vegetarian food tend to be emotionally stronger. The reality is, that whatever you eat, has an impact on your emotions. Find out how your eating patterns and behaviors are interrelated here!

Foods Have Mood Hormones

Smart foods have happy hormones that activate neurotransmitters and keep you happier.
Smart foods have happy hormones that activate neurotransmitters and keep you happier.

Image Credit: The Conversation

Have you ever wanted to eat something just because you are feeling low or too excited? The reason you pick a particular food is because of the happy hormones that get activated as you eat it. The neurotransmitters in your body activate based on your food choices.

Wanted to know where these food hormones are produced? It is by the gut and not by the brain. When you eat probiotic, your gut health improves and gives you a satisfied feeling.

How Can Protein And Vitamins Influence Your Emotional Health?

Folates improve your mood!
Folates improve your mood!

Image Credit: Healthline

Eating protein-rich foods like tofu, eggs, and Greek yogurt tends to release norepinephrine and dopamine that boost mood and energy. Vitamin D is well known to relieve a person from mood disorders. Drinking soy milk can calm down your mind. Few doctors also encourage patients suffering from depression to increase folate content.

What does that mean, you may ask? Folates have substances that ease depression and make you feel complete. Foods rich in folate include oranges, lentils, and dark leafy greens.

The Myth About Caffeine Busted

One reason to quit caffeine is it hampers your mood at a later time.
One reason to quit caffeine is it hampers your mood at a later time.

Image Credit: Virgin Pure

A lot of caffeine addicts believe that it can reduce stress and improve the mood. In fact, people working on their night shifts drink tea or coffee to keep them awake. However, the reality is caffeine can increase the chances of depression.

What happens when your sleeping pattern gets ruined? You might feel dizzy during the day and your productivity decreases. Alternatively, the body functions long for a quick fix before things get worse. Eliminate caffeine and see how your emotions get better.

Foods That Ruin Your Mood

Your favorite sugary drink has a negative impact on your mood.
Your favorite sugary drink has a negative impact on your mood.

Image Credit: Doral Sedation Dentistry

There are certain foods that are well known for ruining one’s mood on a longer run. These include sugary drinks, processed foods, refined carbs, aspartame, and alcohol.

It can be shocking to see all your favorite foods listed here. Unfortunately, these repair your brain and also hamper your mood at a later time.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.