5 Best Mental Health Apps To Keep Away Stress

Keeping the mind happy is necessary and now it is possible with the help of some simple apps.

5 Best Mental Health Apps To Keep Away Stress
Image Credit: Pexels

Even as technology is being considered as a bane when it comes to social media advancement resulting in isolated individuals, there has also been an upside to it.

With our world revolving around smartphones and apps, it has now become easier to seek help with just a click.

In many cultures, mental health awareness is considerably low and mental health problems are stigmatised. With the advent of apps that anonymously connect those seeking help and guidance with mental health practitioners, it has become easier for people to find resources who can help them deal with their problems.

In order to manage daily stress and anxiety, there are apps available which provide help through meditation and simple breathing techniques.

Here’s looking at 6 Apps that could help you reduce your mental stress:

7 Cups: The App For Dealing With Anxiety & Stress

Apps are an inexpensive and easier way to seek therapy
Apps are an inexpensive and easier way to seek therapy

Image Credit: Google Play

Lack of communication is one of the biggest problems today resulting in stress and loneliness. 7 Cups helps people find listeners to their problems. Trained in active listening, this is the best way for people to empty their thoughts without the fear of being judged or misunderstood.

The App store mentions accounts of people who benefitted using the 7 cups service and what most of them point out is the ease and the undivided attention they received.

Pacifica – Break The Negative Thinking Process

Identify your mood patterns with the help of the mood tracker in the app
Identify your mood patterns with the help of the mood tracker in the app

Image Credit: Google Play

Pacifica is an app designed to help deal with depression caused by a string of negative thoughts. It helps clear one’s mind by guided training in relaxation by mediation and some other easy techniques.

The app provides a mood tracker that lets you keep a track of your feelings as you note down your morose moments. With the help of a goal setting technique, it helps users set daily targets to face their fears in the right manner.

Calm – The Cure For Insomnia Through Sleep Therapy

Listen to one of the sleep stories available on the app to wake up refreshed
Listen to one of the sleep stories available on the app to wake up refreshed

Image Credit: Google Play

For those who have problems with their sleeping patterns due to stress, Calm is one of the best-known apps that offers sleep therapy.

With guided meditation techniques, this app helps to unwind your thoughts and calm your mind before going to bed. With music specially engineered to provide you a sound sleep, the app lets you set the right mood for a clear head in the morning.

Headspace Meditation & Mindfulness – Learn All About The Best Way To Meditate With This App

Increase your daily productivity with the help of this app
Increase your daily productivity with the help of this app

Image Credit: Google Play

Meditation doesn’t mean you have to take two hours away from your daily schedule. Headspace lets you manage stress, anxiety through the day with simple breathing changes lasting only a few minutes.

The app helps increase your focus through some easy meditation exercises that can increase the productivity of work.

Sober Time – Keep A Strong Mind To Help Stay Sober With This App

Grow as an individual along with the community by helping one another
Grow as an individual along with the community by helping one another

Image Credit: Google Play

Addiction can be one of the worst things that can affect your mental health. Sober Time helps you keep in check your alcohol, drug addiction by motivating you to stay sober. With a powerful community, members can talk to each other as they go through a tough time staying sober. Sharing experiences and keeping one another motivated, the app helps build self-control among addicts.

Users can also share their progress from time to time which forms as a strong mental boost for them to stay clean.

Next time you find yourself going through a tough time and don’t have the resources to see a specialist, try using one of the above apps to make a small difference.

*All apps mentioned above are available on Android as well as IOS.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.