What Is Food Poisoning? How Is It Different From Food Allergy?

Is food poisoning the same as food allergy? How to spot the difference?


Food poisoning, as the name suggests, is a type of health issue that happens when you suffer from an illness that is caused by having food that is contaminated in some way. In most cases, these contaminants include bacteria, virus, some germs and parasites, or even ingredients mixed in the food that can turn toxic. It can also happen by eating food that has gone bad, or eating packaged foods that are past their expiry date, especially in the case of ready to heat and eat meals.

What are the symptoms of food poisoning?

The symptoms that you get from food poisoning will depend on a lot of factors such as how much of the contaminated food you had, what was the exact source of the infection and so on. Some of the most common symptoms of food poisoning are:

• Pain in the stomach

• Vomiting or nausea

• Diarrhoea

• Loss of appetite

• Slight fever

• Weakness

• Headache

When to immediately go to a doctor

In case the food poisoning is severe, you may notice the following symptoms in addition to the above. If that happens, immediately get medical attention, as this could be a life-threatening situation. Here are the symptoms you should watch out for.

• Fever is more than 102 degrees F

• Problems in vision or speaking

• Feeling confused or disoriented

• Diarrhoea not getting better after three or four days

• Slight bleeding while urinating

Is food poisoning the same as food allergy? How to spot the difference?

Often, the signs and symptoms of food poisoning and food allergy can be very similar, and it is natural to get confused about the same.

In case of a food allergy, your immune system starts reacting to the irritant in the food and as a result affects different organs in your body.

While the food poisoning symptoms mentioned above can also happen if you have food allergy, here are some more symptoms that can tell you that what you have is food allergy.

• Itching sensation in the mouth or tongue

• Blocked nose passage or difficulty in breathing

• Swelling on or around the lips, face, tongue, throat or any part of the body

• Breakouts

• Eczema

A food allergy is also a very serious health concern and you should make sure to get medical attention immediately.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.