Gamers’ Thumb: What It Means And How To Prevent

Are you suffering from RSI


Long weekends and relaxed weekends apart, what is your most commonly used way of gaming, or spending time on your gadget? If you’re one of the ‘regular’ crowd that is almost always seen fiddling with their gadgets, chances are, you too are prone to, or are already suffering from RSI, also known as gamer’s thumb.

RSI or gamer’s thumb: What is it?

Gamer’s thumb, also known as Repetitive Stress Injury, or RSI, is a condition in which a repeated form of injury causes stress on your thumb and part of your wrist, making it swollen at the base. This happens due to overuse of gadgets that require you to fiddle with your thumb for longer periods of time.

The condition is also very common amongst gamers who have to use their thumbs extensively while using various gaming control devices.

Signs and symptoms

Swelling, pain and numbness at the base of the thumb or wrist

Difficulty or decrease in grip and range of motion

Tingling in hand or fingers

This common condition can increase your risk of gamers’ thumb or RSI

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where there is excessive stress on the median nerve which causes swelling and even thickening of the carpal ligament (present in the wrist). Repetitive motions over a long period of time, often while gaming, can be a major cause and over time can turn into RSI.

(Image Source: fieldsfamilychiro)

Tips to prevent

You don’t have to give up on gaming but it’s possible to reduce the discomfort and pain that comes with RSI or gamer’s thumb. You could try the following tips that can help reduce any risk or discomfort.

Reduce texting – True, it is the easiest way to communicate, but sometimes, you could just pick up your phone and call the person instead. It’s always good to hear a real voice at the other end!

Ice therapy – When you feel any pain or discomfort in your thumb or wrist, place an ice pack around the affected area. A simple frozen vegetables pack will also work just as well!

Finger exercises – This barely takes time and all you have to do is rotate your thumb and wrist one way a few times, then the other way. Repeat as many times as you want. For more effective and advanced exercises, consult your doctor.

Rest your thumb – The best way to let it heal is to rest it. If possible, wrap a gauge around your thumb for one day of the weekend as this will force you to give the thumb some rest. You can always easily take it off in some time.

While not everyone gets gamers’ thumb, trying the above tips will help you prevent any major injury.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practise or suggestion from this site.