Geetali Sant Shows Us How Traditional Baking Is Healthy And Safe

She founded Bake Through to create awareness about the harm of preservatives.


Geetali Sant did her engineering, and worked as a software professional for ten years. But then her son’s sensitivity to artificial ingredients in food opened her eyes, and she realised the importance of healthy eating habits.

She says, “Baking was always a hobby. But my son’s reaction to added chemicals and flavours in food was a wake-up call for me.”

Geetali started Bake Through to create awareness about healthy eating

That’s when she incepted Bake Through, in her attempt to contribute towards creating awareness about the harm caused by eating baked products with chemicals and preservatives. She says, “Through my workshops I coach participants to bake at home with healthy ingredients. It is my vision to teach people the art of healthy baking so they do not have to completely give up on what they love eating. But can bake their own delicacies, with natural ingredients, and no chemicals.”

In Pune, she holds workshops to bake at home from ingredients that are readily available in any kitchen. She says, “The bread that I bake I use consciously selected ingredients. The idea is simple, to use natural, unrefined easily available ingredients, the way our ancestors used to.”

She feels that everyone should be able to bake from basic ingredients available in every kitchen

She insists that healthy food can be tasty too. You don’t have to sacrifice the whims of taste buds when you eat healthy.

Bakery items bought from general stores are loaded with Class II preservatives, which are dangerous for our health. Refined flours, refined sugars, genetically modified food, synthetic/imitation food at any course in the meal will knowingly or unknowingly reflect on our health. So, whether it’s an appetizer or a dessert, try to keep it healthy.

Geetali says, “Through my baked creations, I ensure use of nutrient-rich, fresh and good quality ingredients. I am not a nutritionist by qualification. However, unlike diet plans that are followed these days, I believe that a diet should be more focused on quality of nutrition rather than the quantity of calories.”

Geetali takes workshops to teach people healthy baking processes

Geetali ardently believes in the philosophy that you are what you eat. And hence, she advocates healthy baking, to ensure that no harm is caused by readymade bakery products.

She asserts that a healthy lifestyle should be natural and a default way of living for everyone. After all, we can only keep pace with our ambitions and execute our responsibilities, when the body we reside in is healthy.

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