Hate Cellulite? How To Remove Cellulite At Home

These natural remedies will work, just be regular

Image Credit: azhealthyfamilies

You are ready in the perfect pair of shorts or short dress and ready for a day of fun with friends or your date, and then the mirror or your friend shows you that spot of cellulite.

If this is something that bothers you a lot, then it is possible that it can affect your confidence and positivity.

The fact is, everyone has cellulite, and if you have it, it does not mean that you are fat. But if you still don’t like when it shows up on your body, try a few of these natural remedies that may work to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Using A Dry Brush To Exfoliate

This technique, which is also known as dry brushing, can help because when you use a dry brush to massage, it boosts your blood flow and also helps to reduce any inflammation. Take a brush with natural bristles and start brushing from your feet and move upwards with strong strokes.

Caffeine And Coffee Powder

Using a coffee scrub can give temporary results

Image Credit: beautybanter

Have you ever heard about massages using dry coffee powder? You can also make a dry scrubbing powder at home by mixing ground coffee beans and brown sugar. Massage this every day on the areas where you notice cellulite formation. This is a temporary thing though. If you want a stronger effect, start your day with a cup of green tea. These are full of antioxidants and may help to break down fat faster.

Mix Juniper Essential Oil With Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, when used by itself, already has a host of health and skin benefits. But if you want to make it even more effective, try mixing coconut oil with juniper essential oil. The coconut oil will help to keep your skin moist and reduce the appearance of cellulite, while the juniper oil will create heat in the tissues and help to remove toxins. It can also reduce the growth of tissues that push against fat deposits, which can also help to break the fat that is stored in the body.

No matter what you do, remember that these are not magical solutions, and you will have to also ensure that you include some exercise in your regular routine and also pay attention to your diet.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.