Have You Started Eating For Your Skin Yet?

Glowing skin, lesser skin issues, good weight and more!

Image Credit: wholehealthmedspa

Ever heard the saying that the secret about how well you can control your weight is about 80 percent in the kitchen and only about 20 percent in the gym?

What this means is that what you eat can have a huge impact on the texture and quality of your skin, your overall health, as well as how well you are able to manage your weight too!

That being said, there’s a lot that is going on with your food, so here’s a quick look at the relationship it has with your skin!

Your Food Gives This To Your Skin

The food that you eat reaches your system and gets literally broken down into vitamins, minerals as well as the very important amino acids. All these improve and build on the health of your skin.

When You’re On A Diet

When you’re following a diet and eliminating certain foods or food types from your meals, or doing a crash diet and skipping your meals as much as you can, you essentially end up depriving your body of these very important nutrients that are so necessary for the overall health of your skin. If you continue doing this for long, whether or not you lose weight, you will most likely notice your skin becoming dull and lifeless and may also notice a few signs of sagging.

Worried About Your Breakouts?

Your breakouts can help you choose your foods

Image Credit: livestrong

Maybe you’re regularly exercising, not eating out and following a strict diet plan, but still, notice those breakouts. If yes, it’s possible that you may need to take a look at your diet and make some changes.

Cutting down on sugar or artificial sweeteners and switching to healthier and more natural alternatives such as dates or jaggery can be a great start. These will not have any side effects and can also give you the sweet taste that you want.

The Glow Is Right There In Your Plate

We all love those glossy images of celebs with perfect and radiant skin. If you’ve always envied that, maybe the answer could be in your plate! Adding more fruits and vegetables to your plate can definitely clear out your complexion and make it glow with health.

To make the most of it, add vegetables of different colors, especially loads of green, orange and red foods and include omega 3 fatty acid rich foods as well.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.