Heard About Malaria Vaccine?

It’s malaria day and here is what you should know about the powerful malaria vaccine.

Heard About Malaria Vaccine?
Image Credit: Hindustan Times

The burden of malaria borne diseases is growing throughout the world and malaria vaccine seems to be the best preventive solution to overcome it. In a developing country like India, there is no vaccine implemented for malaria. Imagine how dangerous it could be if you are exposed to these parasites and no treatment available. Scary, right?

Let me tell you more about this malaria vaccine.

Why Is Malaria Vaccine Needed?

Well, there are vaccines for polio, smallpox and many other disorders. However, we have not implemented a vaccine to resist the entry of insecticides in our body. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people around the world are getting affected due to malaria. The only solution to prevent it was found for the first time in Africa and RTS,S/AS01 is the protein-based vaccine that is meant to act against P.falciparum.

Having started in Africa, the vaccine is now taking rounds in other countries too. WHO has also passed mandates to vaccinate inhabitants of underdeveloped countries. A day ago, Malawi has begun its first immunization drive with this malaria vaccine.

Is The Vaccine Just Enough To Treat Malaria?

Vaccine gets you 100% rid of malaria and that’s why it is needed.
Vaccine gets you 100% rid of malaria and that’s why it is needed.

Image Credit: ET Health World

According to Science Daily, it is proved that malaria parasites can be eradicated 100% with the vaccine. Even after several weeks of vaccination, your body continues to stay resistant against this parasite. Countries like India have made it mandatory for travelers to get vaccinated 4-6 weeks prior to travel. Some people even get two doses.

Malaria Vaccine In India

The department of biotechnology in India has already developed different malaria vaccines such as JAIVAC-1 and JAIVAC-2 that have gone beyond the lab and ready for the deployment. However, they did not progress further. Does that mean India can do nothing about it? Not at all! There are oral medications.

On top of these, when you build immunity of your body, you do not have to worry about the presence of vaccines in the country you live in.

This malaria day, make it mandatory to improve your body’s resistance!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.