Heart Attack Or Gas Pain? Here’s How To Tell The Difference

Be alert with the warning signs.

Heart Attack Or Gas Pain? Here’s How To Tell The Difference

The first symptom is always scary – that stabbing and sharp pain you feel in your chest that makes it difficult to breathe.

So how do you know if it is actually a heart attack or just a case of extreme indigestion and gas? We tell you how to spot the difference.

Differences between a heart attack pain and gas pain

One of the first things to remember is that there is a big difference in the way a heart attack is shown in the movies and how it often happens in real life. While in movies, you may have seen people falling down with sudden pain, often, in real, the initial symptom may also be that of a discomfort somewhere in the chest area, and a shortness of breath.

Here are some major differences that can help you identify whether the pain is due to a heart attack or gas problems.

(Image credits: s3.india)

1. Identify the type of pain and symptoms

Heart attack – If you are actually experiencing a heart attack, you will feel a sudden and sharp pain in the chest area, along with difficulty in breathing. You may also start to sweat suddenly, or feel faint and dizzy. You will not feel heaviness in the stomach or a bloated feeling, unlike a heartburn pain.

Heartburn – If it is heartburn, you will have a burning sensation in the chest area, along with pain and discomfort. You will also most likely have a sour or bitter taste in your mouth, as well as a burning sensation in your throat. This is mainly due to the acid reflux which happens when the acidic contents of your stomach move towards your throat. You may also feel a bloated or heavy stomach sensation.

2. The area of pain

Heart attack –If the pain is due to a heart attack, you will feel the pain mainly on the left side of the chest. The pain may also radiate towards your upper arms, shoulders and even jaw.

Heartburn – In case of heartburn, the pain will be in the chest area, but it will not be restricted to just the left side. You may feel the pain spreading through your upper stomach area till your chest. In some cases, it can also travel towards the sides of your back.

What to do if you have the symptoms

Even though a lot of the symptoms may feel similar, we strongly suggest you seek immediate medical help so that there is no risk in case it is actually a heart issue.

Try and reach your nearest hospital, or call for medical help.

Sit down and rest till help arrives. Do not try to look around for medicine, as this might aggravate the pain.

Do not take any medicines, especially if you are not sure about any medicine allergies.

Even if the pain is there for some time and then feels better, talk to your doctor about it.

Disclaimer: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practise or suggestion from this site.