Here’s Why Mixing Your Drinks Makes You High

Feeling high? Blame it on those mixed up cocktails!


Think about the last time you got really high on beer (or any single drink of your choice), and then, think about the last time you got really high on some cocktail combos, or a night when you mixed your drinks.

It is very likely that when you mixed your drinks, you actually got high much faster than when you had just one type of alcoholic beverage.

Does mixing your drinks make you drunk faster?

The effect of alcohol varies from person to person, which means that, while mixing certain types of drinks may make you drunk within a particular amount of time, for another person, it could take longer or lesser for the same effects to take place.

The fact is that the higher the alcohol content in your drink, the faster you will gulp it down, reaching for the next drink sooner than you would if you were drinking a little slower. Wow, did you realize that?

When you mix your drinks, you get a significantly larger amount of alcohol content in the glass of cocktail, as compared to a glass of beer, both the glasses being same in capacity. Having this mix of cocktail will make your throat go dry faster, and also bring on a hangover much faster than the glass that contains only beer (or any individual alcoholic drink).

What comes first, beer or wine?

“Beer before wine, and you’ll feel fine. Wine before beer, and you’ll feel queer.”

This popular sing-song probably has some sense to it. Clearer drinks contain lower amount of congeners (a type of chemical constituent responsible for various physiological effects in different types of drinks) as compared to darker ones.

When you start with a lighter drink, your judgement is sharper, and you may be able to control how much you drink. On the other hand, when you start with a darker drink, the alcohol content is already high, and this can significantly hamper your judgement for future drinking through the night.

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10 Drinks that can make you really high and fast!!

Next time you plan to mix your drinks or get some cocktail, take a note of these alcoholic beverages that can have the ‘high’est effect on your senses.

  1. Sunset rum
  2. Bacardi 151
  3. Devil springs vodka
  4. Long island ice tea
  5. Bone dry martini
  6. Absinthe
  7. Balkan
  8. Good ol’ sailor vodka
  9. Pincer vodka
  10. Everclear