Here’s What You Should Know About The Sticky Dandruff

The wet and oily dandruff are annoying, but there are ways to get rid of them

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Well, none of us here are unfamiliar with what dandruff is and what a nightmare those itchy flakes can be. Now dandruff, based on the reason behind them appearing on your scalp, can be of two kinds – wet and dry. Dry dandruff would be the one that’s spread across your scalp and even leaves traces on your clothes. We all remember those flakes on the clothes of Saif – Kareena and Ranveer Singh, in the ads, don’t we?

However, wet dandruff is a different ball game altogether. Your scalp releases sebum, a kind of secretion which helps in keeping your hair hydrated. In case the sebum secretion is more than normal, it leaves your hair feeling sticky and oily. This might result in oily scales on your scalp, which could lead to wet dandruff. Wet dandruff is the stubborn kind, so it sticks to your scalp, and doesn’t let go easily.

So, if you are a victim of this nuisance, that leaves your hair feeling dirty, dull and sticky, here are some easy ways to deal with them:

Egg contains certain nutrients, which nourish and also help to cleanse your scalp

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Beaten eggs can work wonders for wet dandruff. You just have to beat two whole eggs, add some water to the mixture and apply the concoction to your hair. After that, wash it off with warm water. Yes, yes, we know you are thinking of that smell right? Well, you can always use some fragrant hair spray after the wash, if not, we have, more options for you below.

Certain oils can actually get rid of oily dandruff

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Treat oily dandruff with oil. Surprised? Wait not just any oil. Use sesame oil or olive oil, to massage onto your scalp and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash it off with some lime juice, if available. This not only helps you get rid of oily dandruff but also leaves your hair looking lustrous and silky.

The acidic nature of the mixture helps to get rid of wet dandruff

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Use Vinegar. Yes, vinegar has a lot of uses other than the ones in your kitchen. Prepare a mixture of some lime juice and vinegar and apply it to your hair. Use tepid water to wash off your hair afterwards. A couple of washes later, your hair should be dandruff free!

Aloe vera has a soothing effect on our scalp

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We all know about the wonders of Aloe Vera don’t we? So, get your hands on some aloe vera leaves. Rub the fresh leaves on your hair and leave it all night (bit of a sticky business, but will really help!) The morning after, you need to wash off your head with warm water.

Wet dandruff may be annoying, but there are quite a few home remedies that can help you treat them. Give these a try!

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.