Home remedies for Cuts and Burns

Because minor mishaps can occur anytime, anywhere


If you’re used to working in the kitchen, you’ve most likely had your share of kitchen injuries although there are lots of other work places where one is susceptible to injuries. These injuries can range from simple cuts, abrasions to first-degree or severe burns.

(Image Credit: ste.india)

A “Burn” is a destruction of the body tissue or skin that results from chemicals, heat or electricity. Sharp objects penetrating the skin causes “Cuts” that bleed.
If the burns and cuts are minor, they can be easily managed at home with simple home remedies.

How to treat injuries due to burns?

1. If the burn is a minor one, hold the affected area under running cold water for about 5-7 minutes. A cold-compress with soft cotton also relieves the burning sensation immediately.
2. Another commonly used remedy for burns is the application of Onion juice over the burn area. This gives immediate relief from pain, swelling and prevents the formation of blisters.

(Image Credit: aloe-vera-plant)

3. One of the remedies that have always worked for me is the immediate application of freshly extracted aloe vera gel from the aloe vera leaf. The cooling gel instantly drives away burning sensation and when applied continuously for 1 or 2 days, also heals the wound leaving absolutely no scars.
4. Honey can be used to get rid of skin irritation in case of a burn.
5. Applying desi ghee or makkhan over the wound can work wonders by relieving burning sensation and both help promote healing.

How to deal with cuts?

(Image Credit: thenaturalpenguin)

1. The most ancient remedy to arrest bleeding in case of cuts is to sprinkle unadulterated turmeric or haldi powder over the cut. This curbs the bleeding due to the astringent property of turmeric. Not just that, turmeric also acts as a disinfectant and wound-healer.
2. The paste of ground basil or tulsi leaves can be applied over the wound. Water boiled with tulsi leaves can be cooled and used to wash wounds. This helps in killing germs and heals the wound faster.
3. Applying the oil extracted from Neem on the wound promotes healing by disinfecting the wound.
4. Besides external measures, drinking warm turmeric milk twice daily helps in speedy healing of most injuries.
5. Lavender essential oil is found to be promoting natural wound healing. Use about 2-5 times a day by applying 2-4 drops on the wound area.

It’s important to understand that the injury can be treated at home only if it is a minor one with minimal bleeding. If it’s a deep injury with unstoppable bleeding, there’s no reason to try treating the injury at home. The first thing that you should be doing is to go see a doctor immediately.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.