Home Remedies For Piles

Because having piles is like swallowing cactuses with spine


‘Piles’ is a severe condition that causes immense pain to the one suffering. It is a condition in which the hemorrhoidal veins in the anal canal get swollen causing obstruction to the normal function of defecation. In severe cases, the swollen veins protrude out of the anal canal because of over straining due to various causes like pregnancy and constipation. Most of the times the cause is habitual constipation that has been left unattended. Constipation over a long period of time causes the stools to become hard. This leads to difficulty in passing stools and requires straining. Sometimes, the mass of veins bleeds due to rubbing of stool when the person passes hard stools. This is a painful condition and the doctor requires a good understanding of the causes and pathology of the disease.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Piles


Masala Buttermilk or Chaas is a great remedy for indigestion that leads to piles

Image Credit: awesomecuisine

This is advised as a regular diet ingredient for people suffering from piles. Contrary to the belief, buttermilk is actually hot in nature, helps in correcting digestion and improves liver function. Buttermilk also has a scraping property so it helps in reducing the size of the pile mass, decreases the mucosal discharge and relieves pain. Take 100 ml buttermilk and a herb called Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica). The paste of Chitraka is smeared over the inner surface of a mud pot and the buttermilk is left in the pot overnight. This buttermilk is consumed the next day.


Surankand, Elephant Yam is known to boost digestion and help in curing piles

Image Credit: specialtyproduce

Suran is very effective in the treatment of non-bleeding piles, fistula, fissure and digestive disorders. It is one of the best vegetables for patients suffering from chronic constipation and piles. It can either be consumed as a vegetable preparation or one can make use of elephant yam powder to cure the constipation problem.


Sitting in a Sitz bath helps reduce pain

Image Credit: azcentral

Prepare a Sitz bath in case of severe pain. Add a tablespoon of Triphala powder to half a bucket of water, heat it for 5-6 minutes and leave it for sometime till it turns lukewarm. Fill the sitz bath with the above solution and sit in it for about 5-8 minutes and then follow it with a bath.


Avoid straining during defecation. Get your constipation problem corrected by visiting your doctor. A fiber-rich diet alone cannot solve this problem so medical intervention is needed.


Traditional Indian preparation that’s prepared with rose petals

Image Credit: food.ndtv

For bleeding piles, the Pitta dosha needs to be pacified. Gulkand is advisable as it pacifies Pitta dosha and reduces bleeding. One or two teaspoons of Gulkand on a regular basis can help control the Pitta and reduce bleeding and burning sensation.

Ayurveda offers simple and practical ways to manage health. It constantly sends us signals so we understand what measures to take to prevent and minimize diseases. It is our lack of wisdom that we fail to recognize these signs and let the disease occupy a big place in our body.

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DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.