How To Prepare For A Night Of Binge Drinking

So that you don’t regret the next day!


Sometimes, you already know, even before the sun has begun to set, that the night is going to be one hell of a rocker. You’re looking forward to get wasted but without really feeling that tornado of hangover the next day.
So what do you do?

Just prepare the right way and let yourself be free, so that you can have all the fun you want, the right way, without regretting it later.
(Image credits: giphy)

5 ways to prepare for binge drinking

1. Have the hangover relief supplies in place

No matter what you do, you WILL get that hangover. So the first step to prepare is to keep those essentials ready before the booze really hits you. If possible, keep some fresh tender coconut water at your bedside table (we suggest the bottled ones, so that you don’t have to wrestle with a knife to cut open the actual fruit!). Otherwise, sports drinks without added sugar or instant coffee without milk or sugar is good too.

2. Make water your best friend

This trick really helps. Have a bottle of water before you head out to drink and make it a point to have at least one glass of water after every drink you finish. This will help your body absorb the alcohol slowly and also avoid dehydration, which can trigger that really bad headache and dry mouth feeling! And definitely have a bottle of water before you pass out.

3. Keep the home safe

Make sure you keep your home somewhat clean, so that once you are all floozy-woozy on your feet, you don’t trip over something and hurt yourself. Try and remove everything from the floor and especially things that have wires.

(Image credits: telegraph)

4. Eat before you drink

You don’t have to have to stuff yourself, but have some snacks that will make you somewhat full. NEVER drink on an empty stomach, unless you are trying to punish yourself with that monstrous hangover the next day.

5. Binge eat post the party

Ever wanted to hog at a late-night buffet? Now’s the time! Take your pick of your favourite carbs at the local all-night food joint, the street food vendor, or a regular hotel restaurant. The carbs will help to settle down the alcohol so that it does not make you feel nauseous.

Disclaimer: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practise or suggestion from this site.