How To Take Care Of Your Health This Summer

Here's all that you need to keep fit and beat the heat!

How To Take Care Of Your Health This Summer
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By Ms. Sheela Seharawat

Summer months could be fun to be out in the open and enjoy the beach holidays, but summers also brings with it a plethora of problems like sunstrokes, heat burns, skin rashes, dehydration and many more. After all health is important and should always be given the priority. In this article are some valuable tips to keep sun safe, hydrated and at the best of health.

Switch To Summer Diet

Eating these foods will keep you hydrated
Eating these foods will keep you hydrated

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It is very important to include a variety of foods in the diet as all essential nutrients are required for the body in summers, particularly essential minerals that gets lost with sweat. The only possibility to replenish these micro-nutrients is by means of varied food groups like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, meat, pulse and fats.

Summers are blessed with variety of cold foods like watermelon, mangoes, berries and many more. These foods are not only low I their caloric values but are also easy to digest. Eating these summer foods, preferably chilled and low in calorie makes you feel good and hydrated.

Keep Hydrated And Drink Plenty Of Water

Watery foods like watermelons and cucumbers are a great but nothing beats water!
Watery foods like watermelons and cucumbers are a great but nothing beats water!

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Due to the heat and sweat in summers, our body tend to lose a lot of water leaving us dehydrated. Lack of adequate water in the body is very dangerous. Also, the soaring temperatures threatens heat strokes, exhaustion and many more complications. Drink atleast two to three litres of water a day during the summer months.
You can also opt to keep hydrated by means of eating watery foods like watermelons and cucumbers or other fluids like that of coconut water and green tea.

Eat Your Dose Of SPF

Some of these fruits are great to help you fight against sunburn
Some of these fruits are great to help you fight against sunburn

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Eating foods rich in vitamin C and D can reduce and protect the potential damage from sunburns. A treat of mixed fruits – mango, strawberries and papaya is amazing for skins. Mangoes aids in fighting skin ageing, retains elasticity and regenerates skin cells. Beta carotene found in mangoes works as a natural sunscreen. Papaya is another fruit rich in vitamin A and known for its skin protective qualities.

Remember To Always Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreens are important to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Use a mineral based sunscreen for sensitive skins. In order to minimize or avoid the effects of radiation on the skin avoid moving out under the hot sun or sitting outside in the open between 10 am to 4 pm. If you cannot avoid moving out and have to be outside for a longer duration apply sunscreen every two hours for better protection.

Remember to choose water or gel based as heavy and oil based one can contribute to breakout and shine under the hot sun. Cover your head and face as much possible when out with a piece of cloth or dupatta.

Get Your Healthy Dose Of Olive Oil Daily

Add a spoon of olive oil in your salad or other dishes and retain a supple and soft skin during summers
Add a spoon of olive oil in your salad or other dishes and retain a supple and soft skin during summers

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Olive oil is a healthy fat containing healthy fatty acids and aids in protection from UV damages. The fatty acids in olive oil are a part of cell membranes that retains moisture that you tend to loose with sweat and heat of the summer. In order to get these essential and healthy fatty acids add a spoon of olive oil in your salad or other dishes daily and retain a supple and soft skin in summers.

Keep Active During Summers

Do not let the rising temperatures during summer deter you from involving in your daily exercise routines. It is very crucial to stay physically active in summers. You may choose to avoid outdoor activities and resort to indoor gyms and exercises.

Get Your Sleep

Resting the body allows the tissues and organs to replenish themselves. Get to acknowledge good sleep during summers as it will allow you to stay energized and relaxed, which is most required during the summers.

Implement these summer health care tips gradually over a number of weeks and see a fresher, healthier and happier you during the hotter months.

Read Also: Do You Know The BRAT Diet That Can Keep You Healthy This Summer?

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.

Ms. Sheela Seharawat
Started her career in the Indian Army hospital. She is the founding member of Diet Clinic, a motivational speaker and an expert dietician practicing since 2006 as a registered dietician under IDA