Is It Normal Forgetfulness Or Alzheimer’s?

This World Alzheimer’s Day, remember these early signs (or at least try to)

Is It Normal Forgetfulness Or Alzheimer’s?
Image Credit: davidwolfe

21st September is World Alzheimer’s Day, a day that is dedicated to spreading more awareness about Alzheimer’s and what can be done to spot its earliest signs and delay its advent.

While earlier Alzheimer’s was only considered an illness that was associated with old age, nowadays, the many pressures of work, life and relationship are causing massive stress on our brains, and the age at which Alzheimer’s can first come up is getting younger and younger.

If you think you sometimes become forgetful and can’t remember things, it is natural to start worrying if this could be a sign of Alzheimer’s. It’s also possible that you’re worried about a family member, your parent or someone close to you, who you feel may be showing signs of Alzheimer’s. Here are a few signs you can try to keep an eye on so that if possible, you can delay the onset of this mental health condition.

Did you just forget something?
Did you just forget something?

Image Credit: mamamia

You’re Just Forgetful

  • You forget to pay your bills sometimes, whether it’s the phone, internet or any other utility that is your responsibility.
  • The days of the week get mixed up.
  • Your things often get lost and this has turned into a frequent habit.
  • Sometimes it’s difficult to remember the word you were about to use in the sentence.

This May Lead To Alzheimer’s

  • You always forget to pay your bills, and even if you promise yourself that you’ll remember the next time, it just seems so confusing or difficult to remember.
  • You forget what year it is or which month it is.
  • You just can’t remember where you kept your things and even if you try to find them you are most of the time not able to find them again.
  • You forget so many things such as the words or what you were talking about that it becomes difficult to continue with the conversation.

What You Can Do

Whether or not you may be progressing towards Alzheimer’s can depend on a lot of different factors, but the one thing that you need to remember is that you should not ignore any of the signs. If you are regularly forgetting things, and if you notice most of the points above that show it could be Alzheimer’s, it is important that you speak to a doctor and get a consultation done by a neurologist.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.