Is Migraine Putting You At A Health Risk?

If migraine headaches are too frequent, it could signal other health issues

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How often do you have that splitting headache that seems to put you off work and makes you take to bed? Do you regularly suffer from a migraine attack that makes you almost black out and takes your breath away?

If a migraine headache is your worry, it is possible that your headache could be a sign for other potential health risks that you may be at a higher risk of.

The good news is, if you are aware of the symptoms and know when to immediately visit the doctor, you can protect yourself.

Your Heart Could Be In Trouble

While the exact heart troubles may not be confirmed yet, medical research says that if you regularly suffer from migraine attacks, it could be a sign that you are in a higher risk of heart related issues. Also, if you do have a family history of cardiac problems, you have to be careful about how often you take your migraine medicines, as it could stress your heart and increase your risk.

What you can do: Don’t pop in those meds without taking a go-ahead from your doctor.

May Suffer A Stroke

Reducing or quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risks

Image Credit: continentalhospitals

In some cases where a person suffers a migraine attack regularly, it can activate the blood platelets which can increase the risk of blood clot. Also, if you are on birth control pills, or if you are a smoker, this can put more stress on your heart, which effectively increases the pressure on your heart and can cause a higher risk of stroke.

What you can do: Try a different form of birth control method and reduce or quit smoking.

Higher Stakes For Parkinson’s

If the migraine attacks are also accompanied with flashes of white light, which is termed as aura, it could show a higher risk of Parkinson’s in the future. This is especially because of the role that the neurotransmitter dopamine plays in those who suffer from terrible migraine headaches.

What you can do: Since there is no one test or symptom to look for signs or risks of Parkinson’s, it is best to speak to your doctor and check various related symptoms.

If you have more than two or three migraine attacks per week, do get yourself examined by your doctor and understand how to manage it.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.