Itching Head Frequently? Try These DIY Remedies

You can treat your itchy scalp with ingredients just at your home. Find out how!

Image Credit: Glamour UK

It can be embarrassing in the public when you frequently scratch your head due to an itchy scalp. In this hot summer, an itchy scalp can totally ruin your day too. Did you know that this is due to an internal imbalance and you can easily sort it out at home? Here’s presenting some simple DIY home remedies to treat this itchiness.

Coconut Oil Mask To Strengthen The Scalp

Rich in antimicrobial properties, coconut oil mask treats lice too

Image Credit: Jessoshii

An itchy scalp often leads to hair fall and low hair density. Coconut oil is a wonderful home remedy as it contains a saturated fat – lauric acid in it that possesses antimicrobial properties.

Loosen your hair and take few drops of coconut oil. Apply the oil to the scalp at least once in a day and gently massage your hair for a couple of minutes. Since eczema is yet another reason for your scalp to get itchy, coconut oil works great to treat eczema. When you combine anise and coconut oil, you get a solution that treats head lice effectively.

Banana And Avocado For Moisturizing The Scalp

Banana-avocado hair mask strengthens follicles and reduces dry flakes

Image Credit: YouTube

You must have heard these ingredients for a smoothie. This time, it is going to be a smoothie for the scalp. Cut 2 bananas and mix with the pulp of 1 avocado. Apply to the scalp and let it settle for 30 minutes. Wash your hair! Repeat this process until your itchiness reduces.

This is an excellent combo as it moisturizes your hair and controls inflammation or dry flakes that fall off when you scratch your head. They nourish your scalp and hair keep them healthy.

Onion Juice To Have An Infection-Free Scalp

Onion juice treats itchiness and multiplies your hair density.

Image Credit: YouTube

Onions are commonly found in every home. Did you know that onions can treat your scalp too? Onions are rich in antimicrobial properties and can substantially control the inflammation and eradicate the infection.

Grate an onion and extract the juice of it. Apply to your scalp with cotton. Leave it for half an hour and then rinse your hair. You can notice your scalp getting healthy and hair getting denser like never before.

Tea Tree Oil To Load Your Scalp With Essential Nutrients

Tea tree oil reduces itchiness and boosts nutrition levels.

Image Credit: YouTube

To have healthy hair, it is important to opt for an essential oil like tea tree oil that is loaded with vitamins and nutrients and can heal your scalp itchiness naturally.

Combine equal portions of olive oil and tea tree oil and massage your scalp. In a few days, you can notice the absence of dry flakes and your hair gets shiny.

Whether you travel frequently and get exposed to dandruff or have a thin hair along with an itchy scalp, these DIY remedies work wonders!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.