How To Keep Your Nails Healthy And Clean?

An easy guide for healthy nails


Give your nails a good, long stare. How do they look? Clean and healthy? Or do you see white marks, dents, ridges and unusual spots on your nails? Well, in case you’d planned on ignoring these, let us remind you that these are symptoms of unhealthy nails. Look, keeping your nails clean is important for personal hygiene and should be a part of your daily routine. Also, your nails are one of the first things people notice about you. Need we remind you that dirty, unshaped nails are darn right unimpressive and a massive turn off? If you feel you’ve not paid much heed to your nails recently, it’s not too late to start.

These are some things you could do:

Give them a break!

Let’s clear some misconceptions first, shall we? Nail polish isn’t going to harm your nails. However, it is also equally important to give your nails a break. If you’ve had polish on for a while, make sure your give your nails some time to breathe before you apply polish again. Also, make sure the remover you use doesn’t contain acetone since that could harm your nails in the long run.

Protect with Gloves

If you enjoy gardening or other activities which might soil your hands, use gloves. If you’re planning to clean the house or even paint, try using a good pair of gloves to protect your nails. If you’ve applied polish, the gloves will protect that too.

For Stronger Nails

If you’ve been noticing dents or marks on your nails, that could be a symptom of weak nails; you might want to consult a doctor for that. Now mostly nail hygiene doesn’t require medication or supplements. However if you have weak nails, you could take biotin supplements which are rich in vitamins and would nourish your nails from within.

Take care of Cuticles

The cuticles are just as important as your nails since they’re the outer protective covering. If the cuticles are damaged, that would make your skin vulnerable to any kind of infection. Doctors recommend moisturizers for cuticles; these would ensure that your cuticles are healthy and strong. Also, if you’re getting a manicure done, ensure that the cuticles aren’t harmed in the process.

Keep them Short

Well, long nails have their own charm but it is always better to have short, trimmed and neat nails. Long nails simply end up looking like talons! Plus, shorter nails would prevent risks of damage and breaking which can be quite painful. Moreover, if you like nail polish, remember it always looks better on shorter nails.
Well, these are some simple tips which could help you keep your nails neat and healthy. Remember, if you want to appear presentable, simple dressing won’t help – the key is in the minute details, and that includes your nails too!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.