All You Need To Know About Yogendra Rasa

A little about the wonder drug of Ayurveda


Ayurvedic medicine can be divided into various categories based on the origin of its ingredients. Most Ayurvedic medicines are of plant-origin and are called herbal medicines. However, there are other branches of Ayurveda that elaborate the process of medicine-making from herbal as well as mineral-based ingredients. These formulations are said to be fast-acting and can be prescribed in a lot of acute disorders with complications.

Yogendra Rasa, a herbal and mineral-based formulation is used in treating diabetes, neuro-muscular conditions like paralysis and epilepsy. Since this medicine is mineral-based, one must be sure that it has been strictly prescribed by a well-qualified doctor. Self-prescription should be avoided at all times.


Mercury (Parad) just before its purification

Image Credit: paracelsus-magazin

  • Parada – Purified and processed Mercury – 10 grams
  • Gandhaka – Purified and processed Sulphur – 10 grams – Together called as Rasasindoor.
  • Loha Bhasma – Iron Bhasma – 5 grams
  • Swarna Bhasma – Gold Bhasma – 5 grams
  • Abhraka Bhasma – Purified and processed Silica – 5 grams
  • Shuddha Mukta – Purified and processed Pearl – 5 grams
  • Vanga bhasma – Bhasma of tin – 5 grams

The fine powder of above ingredients is ground well with Aloe vera juice and tablets are prepared.

Effect on Doshas

According to the principles of Ayurveda, this formulation is said to balance the disturbed Vata and Pitta dosha in the body.


125-250 mg – 1 or 2 tablets once or twice a day after food or as directed by Ayurvedic physician.

Yogendra Rasa is one of the most potent Ayurvedic medicines that work on vital organs like heart and brain, nerves, mind and circulatory system. It also gives strength to the nervous, digestive and urinary system. This formulation is considered as a wonder drug for “Maharoga” which means it is known to cure tough diseases that other formulations might not have been able to help in.

It is also a natural aphrodisiac, it strengthens the semen, improves its quality thereby strengthening the body. It is known to cure semen-related disorders like nightfall, premature ejaculation and sexual debility in young men.

Abdominal colic or pain can range from dull to stabbing to sharp pain in the abdomen

Image Credit: wisegeek

It relieves abdominal colic, inflammation of the stomach (gastritis) and frequent urination in diabetes.

It is known to boost the functioning of impaired senses. It helps in the treatment of anorectal disorders, fistula-in-ano and hemorrhoids (piles).

Such is the glory of Yogendra rasa, it exercises a wide application in tough ailments by also acting as a catalyst when administered along with other medicines.


  • The medicine should strictly be taken under medical supervision.
  • It is generally avoided in children and pregnant women.
  • Buy the medicine from a reputed and trustworthy company or simply from a qualified doctor.
  • Avoid over-dosage at all times as it may cause dizziness and tremors.

Thus, most Ayurvedic physicians trust this formulation to work in a lot of acute and chronic Vata-Pitta disorders. Make sure you follow the guidelines as given by your physician.

Read Also: 3 Must-Have Ayurvedic Herbs In Your Kitchen Garden

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.