Miraculous Home Remedies To Cure Cervical Spondylosis

Simple home remedies can treat every desk job employee who suffers from cervical spondylosis at an ease.

Miraculous Home Remedies To Get Cervical Spondylosis Off
Image Credit: royalretreat

Thanks to the long hours of system work from the same place, the neck gets stiff and develops pain till the end of the spinal disk. Sometimes, it gets so unbearable that you may have to take an off from your workplace. If you are on the same boat and scared that it is a serious injury, then we have good news for you – it is neither serious nor an injury. It is just a strain caused to your neck and cervical spondylosis can be cured quite easily.

Here are a few home remedies to begin your treatment at no cost.

Epsom Salt – Controls pH And Inflammation

Epsom salt detoxifies your body and regulates pH levels
Epsom salt detoxifies your body and regulates pH levels

Image Credit: Shape Magazine

Epsom salt bath is highly recommended if you are having cervical spondylosis. The magnesium that is present in Epson salt manages the pH levels and controls the inflammation surrounding your neck.

Add Epsom salt directly to water and have a bath. You can see clear changes in a few days.

Hot Or Cold Pack – Best Muscle Relaxant

Be it neck pain or stiffness, simply massage with a hot or cold pack.
Be it neck pain or stiffness, simply massage with a hot or cold pack.

Image Credit: The Indian Express

Cervical spondylosis is all about the wear and tear condition of the cartilage. This leads to inflammation and stresses your muscles. In such cases, take an ice pack or a hot bag and place it and gently press on your neck and the surrounding regions.

The inflammation gets regulated and the sore muscles feel much better. You will feel the pain slowly disappearing.

Note: Avoid this technique if you have dermatitis or an open wound.

A Cup Of Ginger Tea To Ease Your Neck

Ginger tea is anti-inflammatory and relaxes the stiffness.
Ginger tea is anti-inflammatory and relaxes the stiffness.

Image Credit: Hindustan Times

You can wonder how consuming ginger tea can bring down cervical spondylosis. It is because of gingerol present in ginger that is an anti-inflammatory compound. It controls the stiffness and the wear and tear and lets you get back to normalcy.

Add a spoon of grated ginger directly to hot water and boil it. Sip it every day.

Massage Therapy To Relieve From Pain

Massage is the first handy remedy you should try.
Massage is the first handy remedy you should try.

Image Credit: Buriram Times

The common home remedy suggested for cervical spondylosis is a massage. This can actually relax the muscles and make you feel better. After a tiring day, don’t you think massage is a great stress buster? To make the whole process effective, add crushed garlic cloves to a spoon of vegetable oil. Heat them and let the oil cool down. Use this oil to massage your neck.

Make sure you massage before your bath and repeat it twice a day. You can see the pain gradually coming down.

While these home remedies work great, it is a good idea to do simple stretches and neck movements even at the workplace so you can prevent it in prior.

For anyone who has a desk job, these tips come in handy as they really work and have long-lasting effects.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.