Overeating During Ganpati? This Can Make You Feel Better

Don’t give up eating, but do it right with these easy tips

Image Credit: dubaicravings

It’s celebration time and all your dietary rules and eating habits have gone for a toss. With so many darshans and friends and family to visit, it’s almost impossible to avoid the delicious sweets and dishes that are prepared during the days of Ganesh Chaturthi.

If you’ve done the same, and are now feeling the after-effects of overeating, here are a few things that could make you feel better.

Start By Eating Slowly

You probably cannot avoid the food that someone offers when you’re visiting the deity, but what you can do is to eat slowly, and take small portions. Also, try to eat without any distraction, as this can help you understand the signs that signal you may be already full. If you feel the hunger going away, and you feel kind of full, stop eating more.

Don’t Sit Down Immediately After

Do a few climbs up and down the staircase

Image Credit: livestrong

A lot of us enjoy the meal and then sit down with friends for a round of chitchat. But if possible, eat while you are standing, and once done, take some time off to walk around wherever you are. If walking around is not an option, you can also spend some time climbing up and down the stairs.

Don’t Get On A Strict Diet

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we end up overeating? Dieting, right? And sometimes, you may want to put yourself on a strict diet just to compensate for all the extra food you ate. But if you’re planning to get on a diet while the celebrations are on, it can backfire instead of doing you any good. If you go on a diet now, while you still have to visit more friends and family, seeing all the delicious food may make you crave and overeat all over again. Wait for the celebrations to end before restricting your diet completely.

The Secret Trick To Avoid Overeating

Want to know a secret tip that can help you avoid overeating? If you are planning to visit someone for the darshan and are invited for a meal, take some time to sit at home and have a proper meal. This means that, by the time you reach the place where you are supposed to eat, you will already be full, and may have only a little space left to just taste what is on offer. Also, you can drink a few glasses of water before you start eating the meal, which can also help to make you feel fuller and avoid overeating.

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