Pimples In Your 20s? Here’s What You Should Know

Vital Things to Know about Your Breakouts


Lets imagine a situation – You get up from a good night’s sleep all refreshed and positive for the upcoming day’s work and just as you look into the mirror, you discover this horrifying red zit on your forehead. At once, it takes away all your optimism and leaves you pondering why did this nuisance of your teens return again! Are you among those who can relate to this situation very well? Well, don’t panic yet. Adult acne and pimples are a problem that has been affecting nearly half the population in their 20s. If celebs like Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Lawrence have battled adult acne, so can you.

Zits and breakouts may happen at any time, not just your teens and adolescent years. The worst part of suffering from acne is that it takes a toll on you both mentally and physiologically. So if you have been blessed with clear skin all your lives, why now? What triggered it? And most importantly, how can you address it?

The Causes of Adult Acne/Pimples

  • One of the major reasons why acne breakouts affect you in your twenties is hormonal changes. This is all the more pertinent in the case of women. Your body undergoes a lot of change during this phase and more so if you suffer from disorders like PCOD or PCOS. In that case, pimples and acne is a major symptom of these underlying causes.
  • In your twenties, you lead a hectic life, juggling your personal and professional lives. That invariably leads to stress. To cope with stress, your body releases a certain hormone called cortisol. This cortisol is supposed to fight stress. But again, due to these hormonal changes, acne might occur.
  • Are you using the right products? There is nothing wrong with makeup. But you need to use what is good for your skin. Not all products go with all skin types. You need to select the products that go with your skin type. Otherwise, breakouts are common.
  • Also, in your twenties, you rarely think about what you eat. But you should know that consumption of fatty foods and oily food could lead to acne.
  • We are living in dire times, when pollution is forever on the rise. When you step out, your skin is exposed to pollution and that is bound to have an adverse effect on your skin. Try using a good sunscreen and wash your face thoroughly once you return, to avoid germ build-ups and prevent acne in the process.

What can you do about it?

The thing about adult acne is that almost one in every three people face it. Thus, there are numerous things you could do to address the problem. One of the most common ways of dealing with it is salicylic acid. This is found in most face washes and cleansers that are medicated and used to treat acne. Salicylic acid has been found to work in miraculous ways as far as adult acne is concerned. Also, it is recommended that you keep your skin exfoliated and clean, as far as possible.

Can you spot those Pimples under the Makeup on Sonam's Face?
Can you spot those Pimples under the Makeup on Sonam’s Face?

Image Credit: vanitynoapologies.com

Adult acne is very common. But with minor changes in lifestyle, and some external help, you should be able to treat acne. There is nothing to panic about it. Our very own Bollywood actresses like Kangana Ranaut, Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and many more super stars have dealt with this skin disorder. There are hosts of home remedies as well as professional services you can opt for to get rid of acne/pimples and its scars.

Did you have to deal with acne and pimples in your 20s too? Comment below to share your experiences and let our readers know how you got rid of them!

Read Also: Home Remedies For Scars

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.