What Does Skin Color Have To Do With Your Health?

A Guide to Healthy and Unhealthy Skin Colors


The moment we speak about skin color, you instantly think about race and all the negative connotations that it brings forth. But that isn’t really the case. In an interview, a biological anthropologist named Nina Jablonski claimed that skin color has more to do with health than race. So wait, does that mean the color of your skin can affect your health? But how would that work? Why should it matter if you’re fair or dark complexioned? The pigments under your skin are what determine your skin color. What could that have anything to do with health? But Jablonski’s comments are based on years and years of research. Let’s take a look at what she has to say.

Skin Color and Health

Now the color of your skin depends, to a large extent, on the geographical area where you live. If you are living in an area where the sun rays are stronger, you would be more prone to sunburns and other kind of infections. In that case, darker pigments of your skin which result in a dark complexion would protect your skin from these dangers. Also, in such areas, lighter skin tones could result in a condition known as folate deficiency which could further lead to complications down the line. Similarly in areas where sunlight is scarce, vitamin deficiency is common. To make up for it, lighter pigments are produced in the body resulting in lighter skin tones. Jablonski further goes on to state that at times, we aren’t even aware that the environmental conditions we are living in might not be suitable for our skin tones.

Rosy Skin means Healthy Skin

Apart from that, the color of your skin and how it looks or feels has been used as a parameter of your health for generations now. Typically speaking, reddish skin with more oxygen and blood supply are considered healthier. These indicate a strong and healthy heart and also lungs. People who smoke on a regular basis, for instance, would have weaker lungs and lesser oxygen in their veins; consequently, their skin doesn’t appear quite as rosy, and in many cases, their skin colors tend to get blackish and patchy. That’s a sign of unhealthy lungs and liver. Again, pale skin color may also be a sign of anemia. So, better consult a doctor in such cases.

The Glowy Healthy Skin

A yellow toned skin or golden glowy skin is often referred to as healthy. Now this is mainly because when you consume more fruits and veggies, your body tends to release more carotenoid pigments. These contain anti-oxidants in huge amounts which are good for your health. That gives you the healthy glow people talk about.

Tanning may not be that Cool

Tanning has often been considered a way to improve the color of our skin. But that isn’t really healthy. Instead, research shows, that a healthy lifestyle and an even healthier diet could naturally improve your skin tone. The formula is simple. If you’re healthy inside, that will show on your face.
It is therefore, extremely important to keep a careful check on your skin color, determine your natural skin color and meet a physician, in case of color changes. Many of us tend to go head over heels to look fairer, darker, pinkish or yellowish and what not. At times, we may get partial results, but remember, artificial methods can be harmful in the long run. So, be happy and proud of your skin color. Eating and drinking healthy food and a healthy and active lifestyle, helps in restoring a healthy skin color in most cases, and can do a lot to get that healthy shine on your skin automatically.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.