How To Stay Protected From UTI

All that you need to know about UTI’s to stay risk-free

How To Stay Protected From UTI

UTIs are turning out to be one of the common reasons behind hospitalisations annually. A urinary tract infection affects the urinary tract. If you are having any pain, burning sensation, or stinging when you pee, it could be early stage of UTI but any cloudy, bloody, or discoloured urine indicate advanced infections and you should seek Doctor’s help immediately.

Almost every person has suffered from a urinary tract infection once in their life even though women are at a higher risk of suffering from UTI due to their shorter urethra which gives the bacteria quick access to the bladder.

With a little care, it is not very difficult to protect yourself from a urinary infection. Understanding the causes of a disease obviously helps us to understand the ways to prevent it.

What causes a Urinary Tract Infection?

Drinking less water that leaves the body dehydrated and more prone to infection, use of unclean or unhygienic public toilets, not maintaining the vaginal health, wiping from back to front after defecation leads to the bacteria from the anus affecting the urethra. Other medical causes that increase the chances of UTI include catheters or tubes placed in urethra and bladder, diabetes, kidney stones and controlling the urge to urinate for longer than usual.

How to stay protected?

1. Do not suppress the urge to urinate beyond the bladder threshold. This leads to an excessive burden on the bladder making it more vulnerable to infection.

(Image credits: ndtvimg)

2. Keep your body well-hydrated. Drinking ample water especially during summer ensures that the immunity of the body stays strong, thus protecting it from the risk of infections.

3. After defecation, make sure you always wipe from front to back and not otherwise. There is a high risk of transferring the germs from anus to urethra by wiping from back to front.

4. Keep your privates dry and clean especially. during summers when the sweating is excessive.

5. Avoid coffee and alcohol if you’re already seeing the symptoms of UTI.

6. Stay away from spicy food and aerated drinks and caffeine till the condition is taken care of.

7. Peeing before and after sex also helps reduce chances of getting an UTI infection.

(Image credits: squarespace)

Ayurveda recommends the use of decoctions made using Sandalwood, Hedyotis corymbosa, Red sandalwood, and Coriander and Cumin seeds to flush out the excessive heat that may be hampering the functioning of the urinary system.
Due to the solid foundation of Ayurvedic principles, this system of medicine believes that most diseases can be prevented by strengthening the immune system. The focus thus should always be on strengthening and preventing rather than just treating.

Disclaimer: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practise or suggestion from this site.