Tackle Emotional Eating By Following These Steps

Are you eating your feelings? Here's how you can avoid emotional eating!

Tackle Emotional Eating By Following These Steps
Image Credit: HD wallpapers

Finding yourself reaching for that packet of chips and the tub of ice cream even though it’s late and you should be sleeping? You can be a victim of emotional eating and you don’t even know it. What starts off as merely night snack could actually be your mind playing tricks to handle stress.

Emotional eating causes hunger pangs that are actually not physical. In most cases, your stomach is full but you’d still find yourself binging on stuff.

Wondering how to counter this? Here’s how you can get rid of emotional eating habits:

Talk Or Write About Your Problems

Letting out your emotions is the best way to counter emotional eating
Letting out your emotions is the best way to counter emotional eating

Image Credit: Pexels

One of the biggest reasons for emotional eating is non-communication. When you find yourself dealing with a problem, it is best to share it with someone or even maintaining a diary is good enough to get that frustration and your feelings out. If you try to suppress your feelings, then the only way you’d want to feel good again would lead you towards eating. Don’t let the food get the best of you. Reach out for your phone instead of the fridge the next time you’re stressed.

Exercising And Practicing Yoga Can Be Highly Beneficial

Yoga can work wonders on your mind, body and soul
Yoga can work wonders on your mind, body and soul

Image Credit: Pexels

As an emotional eater, your mind is not at its strongest. To center your energies and bring peace, practicing yoga can be extremely helpful. Working out can also be helpful as your body will get the required activity and it will also regulate your sleeping patterns which mainly cuts down the chances of your late night snacks.

Change Your Grocery List

Try to avoid the sections filled with your guilty pleasures in the supermarket aisles
Try to avoid the sections filled with your guilty pleasures in the supermarket aisles

Image Credit: Pexels

Emotional eating is all about indulgence and hence if you don’t stock up on all those chocolates, ice creams and so on, you would be doing yourself one big favor. The next time you go grocery shopping, try and pick up things that don’t tempt you too much. Stay away from the things that you feel make you feel better because that’s what you are going to reach out for every time you are low. Not to mention, this can be a helpful step for your weight too.

Plan Your Day With Fun Activities

Make a list of things you always wanted to do and sign up for courses
Make a list of things you always wanted to do and sign up for courses

Image Credit: Pexels

While weekdays may be easier to tackle, weekends you will be most prone to getting your emotional hunger pangs. It can be particularly difficult to resist if you are home and hence it is important that you plan your day full of activities and don’t find yourself any free time on the couch. Look out for events in your area, hang out with friends or take strolls down the park. Keeping yourself occupied will keep you away from the bite!

It may not be an overnight task to quit your emotional eating habits but try following the above steps for an attempt towards recovery.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.