These Face Masks Are The Perfect Food For Your Skin This Summer

See how to prevent acne, itching skin and redness and keep your skin cool

These face masks are the perfect food for your skin this summer

Summer is the time when the sun’s rays get extra harsh and the effects are easily seen on your skin.

As a result, you may notice signs of sun damage such as appearance of summer rashes, acne (as the sweat keeps clogging your pores), redness, dryness and itching.

Instead of waiting for things to get worse and use products or medication, try these natural face packs that you can create at home. These will help to keep your skin cool and will also reduce the damage from the sun on your skin.

1. Watermelon And Yogurt Can Cool Your Face

This is a great way to keep your skin cool
This is a great way to keep your skin cool

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Watermelon helps to control the amount of oil secreted by your body. This will prevent the pores from getting clogged and will avoid acne and breakouts. It also has acidic properties that will act as a natural toner and will help to maintain the pH balance of the skin.

Yogurt helps to tone your face and reduces fine lines. It also reduces signs of hyperpigmentation and cleans away dead skin cells.

Try this: Mash a few cubes of watermelon with a tbsp. of yogurt. Apply on your face, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off.

2. Multani Mitti And Mint Leaves To Prevent Scarring

Multani mitti and mint can soothe itching and prevent scarring
Multani mitti and mint can soothe itching and prevent scarring

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Multani mitti, which is also known as Fuller’s Earth, helps to keep extra oil away from your skin and also reduces existing acne and breakouts. It also makes your skin look fresh and clear.

Mint can boost collagen production, which will tighten your skin and also fight damage from UV rays. It also helps to fight oxidative damage, reduces itching and scars from rashes or breakouts, and keeps your skin nourished.

Try this: Wash some mint leaves and grind them to form a paste, or chop them finely. Make a paste using multani mitti and water (or rose water). Apply and leave on the face for about 20 minutes, then wash off.

These two face packs will help to cool down your skin and also make it look naturally radiant. If you too have a favourite face pack for the summer, do let us know here.

Read Also: Get Naturally Glowing Clear Skin At Home

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.