These Water Workouts Can Get You Toned, With Fun

Mukul Nagpal shows how to burn calories in the pool

Image Credit: swimoutlet

Whether it’s raining a lot where you live, or the sun is still up and shining, one of the fun things you may love to do is go for a dip in the pool.

But what if we told you that the time you spend in the pool can also be a great way for you to lose extra calories, and in a way that will make you enjoy the workout?

Don’t believe us? Then check out these tips from Mukul Nagpaul, a qualified personal fitness trainer with more than a decade’s experience in the health and fitness industry, Runner Up at the Asia Fitness Convention Personal Trainer of the Year and Founder of PMF Training by Mukul Nagpaul.

Like It, Love It, Just Try It

Mukul says that whether you are one of those who loves to be in the pool, or is not much of a fan, trying out these options can make that dip even more productive as well as fun. These are some really good water workouts, other than swimming, that you can do in the pool any time.

Aqua Aerobics

Aerobics has always been a big hit among those who are looking to lose weight, but if you try out aqua aerobics, says Mukul, it will have less impact on the joints. As a result, this is a workout that anyone can do, with the least amount of risk.

Aqua aerobics is a super fun way to lose weight

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Aqua Zumba

Heard of Zumba but don’t know what this is? Well, Aqua Zumba takes Zumba to water, and the good part is that, even though it is a low impact workout, it is still high intensity. As the water becomes a resistance, every step becomes more challenging, helping you burn more calories, even as it strengthens your muscles. Of course this can also be a great pool party activity.

Aqua Yoga

In Aqua Yoga, you basically perform Asanas in the water. Mukul says that this workout is helpful even if you have injuries, as it reduces the gravitational pull and causes less stress on your body. Also, your body will have to work more to balance. This can also be a great way to try out tough poses, as there are lesser chances of you getting hurt from a fall.

Aqua Tabata

Tabata is a very high intensity workout format. Mukul explains that it is done with 8 exercises that are performed back to back – 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest and repeat. Performing this in water makes it safer for everyone and also helps to increase your fitness levels, as it’s easy on the joints. You can do the movements with weights and other props to enhance difficulty.

The next time you’re planning a lazy day in the pool or planning a pool party with friends, maybe pump it up a little with these awesome pool workouts.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.