This Is How Long Your Hangover Can Actually Last

Here’s how to beat it better this weekend

Image Credit: theinspiredtransformation

Weekends are always crazy, especially if you’re the type who always spends it with friends. And maybe, one of the reasons you are always so excited for the weekend to arrive is because you can’t wait to see what all crazy things and experiences the weekend will hold for you.

In all this fun and craziness, the one dud that has all the potential to ruin it for you is a hangover.

If you have been a victim of the bulldozer hangover before and have sworn to drink less so that you can reduce the duration for which it lasts, think again.

Do You Really Know How Long A Hangover Lasts?

All your plans are in motion that you will drink a little less this time through the weekend so that by the time it’s the morning of your work day, you are in the best of shape. But hold on. If you are planning to drink this weekend, the hangover halo can actually last you for all of the next day and even some more, the latter in case you are really drinking a lot.

Cut Out The Halo

We promise we’ll drink less and we all know where that promise goes – down the beer mug. If you really don’t want a repeat performance of your drunk and hungover experiences from the fast, there are a few ways that can make it easier for you to crawl out of bed the next day, and the next (for those extra glasses and shots that you had!).

Keep some ginger slivers in the bag

Image Credit: simplyrecipes

  • Vitamin B6 can be your saviour: Speak to your doctor and take a supplement of vitamin B and vitamin C for at least half an hour before you are going to drink. Important to remember here is that you HAVE to first check this with your doctor and ask them about it, and yes, also be very specific why you need it and mention you want to take it before you start drinking.
  • Break into a dance: A little bit of aerobics can actually help shake off that hangover! The sweat that you produce as a result will help to throw out some of the toxins from your system.
  • Ginger to the rescue: Chop up slivers of ginger and keep them in a box with you. Once you are drunk and feeling even a little bit nauseous, start chewing on these. Not only will they settle the pukey feeling, it will also reduce a headache and hangover in general.

It’s the weekend, so do what you gotta do, and make sure to rein in the hangover this time.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.