This Is How Mukul Nagpaul’s Love For Fitness Shaped His Career

Health and fitness have to go hand in hand, only then you can sustain it for long


Mukul Nagpaul is the Owner of PMF Training, a fitness solution that helps clients by providing customized and tailor-made workout as well as nutrition plans that can align with their regular lifestyle.

With a combination of different styles that involve core and posture training, mat work, functional exercises and more, Mukul is helping people reach their own fitness goals while keeping an eye on health too.

Were you always interested in health and fitness? What made you take up in life?

I was a National Level Badminton Player and was very athletic right from school days. In my last year of school when I was deciding about my future, I realized that the biggest satisfaction I get is by helping others with their fitness. That’s when I realized that health and fitness is something I would love to pursue more.

It seems like everyone is suddenly interested in fitness – is there a secret to sustaining a fit lifestyle in the long run, so that it’s not just a fad?

Because of certain trends such as beach bodies and Instagram bodies, everyone wants to look good. This perception is one of the reasons why so many people suddenly seem interested in fitness. Having patience in adopting a healthier lifestyle is what makes people fit for life – fads come and go, and they are definitely no measure of your own personal health and fitness.

What are your earliest memories of doing something to stay fit?

I was the guy who could be found on the playground the moment my school hours would end and I used to play cricket with friends and cousins every day, no matter what the time.

Did you study or learn anything specifically before you became a fitness trainer? What courses would you recommend to those who want to get into this line?

I started by reading a lot on fitness on the Internet and also interned with a health club before starting my career as a part-time fitness instructor in my first year of college. My thirst for knowledge made me move to Delhi to get my International Fitness Certification. ACE, ACSM, NASM are the internationally recognized certifications and are recommended to people who are interested to get into fitness.

You provide tailor made fitness plans for people based on their body type – how important is this? Do you think this is a better approach than just blindly following what others are doing?

Definitely – it’s like getting a suit tailored made according to our measurements versus buying a suit from the store. The suit you bought from the store may be tight from the arms for someone and at the same time, could be loose for someone from the arms, whereas, a tailor-made suit will have a perfect fit. Similarly, a general plan will help somebody loose fat from some body parts, but these may not be the body parts they wanted to focus on. Tailor-made fitness plans are better because they will be accustomed to your exact needs.

What is your typical fitness routine? What do you enjoy doing the most to stay fit?

At the moment Mukul is training for the Ironman Triathlon

I am training for an Ironman Triathlon, so at the moment, my routine is more about swimming, running, cycling, core and strength training. The most enjoyable thing that I love to do to stay fit is that I feed about 25-30 stray dogs every night, which makes me walk at least 4000-5000 steps and helps me feed them.

Tell us a bit more about the other side of your work, which you mainly do as part of giving back to social initiatives.

I am a dog lover, so I try to feed, neutralize and vaccinate as many stray dogs as I can. I also educate people on behaviors of stray dogs so that humans and stray dogs can perfectly fit together in society.

How long have you been helping people stay fit?

Professionally I’ve been empowering people for more than 10 years now, but as a passion, I’ve been doing this for 15 years.

What are some of the most difficult and happiest experiences of being a personal fitness trainer?

Life of a Fitness Instructor is very challenging as it’s an early morning and late night profession, so making time for friends and family becomes very difficult. The happiest experiences are always the ones when you see your trainees achieving their goals.

What tips would you like to give those who want to become personal fitness trainers?

Join the industry to help the people in their quest to be healthy and fit – the money will automatically follow.

How do you make your clients comfortable so that you both can work together in the long run?

One of my strengths is an adaptation. For instance, if I am training a 20-year-old student, I’ll behave like a 20-year-old student, and if I am training a 30-year-old woman, then I’ll act that age.

Who inspires you to stay fit?

There are so many people, for instance, people like Kris Gethin, Ashley Horner, Milind Soman, who are an inspiration for me to stay fit.

If fitness is something that interests you, make sure to follow a plan that involves both health and fitness, and can be done in a sustainable basis. Taking the help and guidance of a professional health and fitness trainer can surely help.

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