This New Year Breathe Better With These Plants In Your House

Grow these plants indoors or continue to breathe toxic air

This New Year Breathe Better With These Plants In Your House
Image Credit: Gardening Know How

Plants as we all know help us breathe easy but for those who live in the crowded cities and high rise apartments complexes, where there is little or no space for an individual garden but one can definitely have an indoor garden like a terrace garden or a balcony garden or even a window sill garden! If you are planning to beautify your home with indoor plants this new year, you should choose the following as they can help you breathe better.

Spider Plant Requires Minimum Maintenance

Fresh looking spider plant
Fresh looking spider plant

Image Credit: Pixabay

For beginners and those who forget to maintain, spider plant is the apt choice. It is perhaps called the easiest to grow as all it needs is brightness and indirect sunlight. This plant has the potential to remove strong pollutants like xylene and formaldehyde from the air and purify the air for your respiratory system to remain healthy.

The Most Effective Areca Palm

You would have seen this house plant frequently!

Image Credit: Stack Exchange

Areca palm is widely available and highly effective for it removes xylene and toluene that are considered harmful to humans. The water vapor that this plant emits keep your indoors tolerant to dry air. This plant just requires nutrient rich potting soil. The thin stems that grow wide is a visual treat and also purifies the air constantly. The sharper the edges of the leaves are, the more efficient the plant is to purify the room. This is a must have inside your bedroom.

The Famous Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plant requires minimum maintenance but is extremely useful
Aloe vera plant requires minimum maintenance but is extremely useful

Image Credit: Pixabay

Aloe vera is known to grow in indoor as well as outdoor. In addition to its medicinal properties, it helps remove formaldehyde and benzene which are considered to be human carcinogens. This is highly recommended for your bedroom as it constantly absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen that will let you inhale fresh air even in the night.

The World Famous Snake Plant

The snake plant is perfect to decorate your house
The snake plant is perfect to decorate your house

Image Credit: EBay

This is also called mother-in-law’s tongue, the plant is globally known as the most oxygen producing plant. It removes almost all the toxins in the air and constantly freshens the place with pure air. The best part is it also gives other nutrients that your body needs to stay energetic.

The air quality is becoming poorer all across the world. It’s time to switch to these plants that will make you breathe better and purer.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.