Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes: All You Need To Know

Know these signs, symptoms and differences in types of diabetes to get the right care


You’ve heard the word ‘diabetes’ and whether or not you have already been diagnosed with it, or if someone in your family has it, it is always important to know your risks and understand the signs and symptoms.

This will help you get the right type of care at the earliest stage and prevent any complications.

What is type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is the type of diabetes in which your body is not able to produce enough insulin. As a result, the cells in your body are not able to absorb the sugar, or glucose, which your body needs to get energy that will help it carry out all the basic and important tasks.

Type 2 diabetes is the type of diabetes in which may be producing enough insulin, but it is not able to use it in the right way. This condition is also known as insulin resistance. As the condition progresses, your body will gradually start producing much lesser insulin than is required, and this leads to insulin deficiency.

Sonam Kapoor was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 17

Image Credit: Pinterest

What are the main differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes

  • The symptoms can show up during childhood or even during early or young adulthood.
  • Symptoms can show up suddenly and get severe, which can help you take medical intervention in time.
  • Blood sugar levels can drop quite often.
  • This type of diabetes cannot be prevented.

Type 2 diabetes

  • The symptoms are usually more recognized only in adulthood.
  • Symptoms most often do not show up before the diagnosis is made, either while treating some other health condition or due to some sudden health complication.
  • There may be no problem of low blood sugar levels, unless the person is already taking insulin or other diabetes related medication.
  • Making the right changes in lifestyle, regularly exercising and eating healthy can prevent type 2 diabetes, or at least delay it.

While diabetes can affect anyone at any age, type 2 diabetes, the one that was earlier found only in people around 40 years or more, is now also getting more and more common in people as young as in their 20s.

It is important to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, and good and clean eating habits, as diabetes is mainly a lifestyle health issue. Please speak to your doctor to know more, and especially if you have a family history of diabetes.

Read Also: Does Eating Sweets Cause Diabetes And Other Myths Busted

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.