What Do Vegetables Colors Indicate And Why Do You Need Them Raw?

Take the Green Turn - Consume Raw Veggies


The majority of the population says a vehement no to vegetables. Of course, who likes them right? Anything that is green and healthy cannot be delicious and appealing to the taste buds. Contrary to popular notion some veggies can be mouth watering. And eating them raw can prove to be very healthy. Why? Because when you cook or overcook vegetables certain nutrients and proteins die with them. If you are on a diet or are immensely health conscious, this article is definitely for you. It’s always good to know everything before you consume something green.

Say Yes to Colors

  • Dark green vegetables which contain chlorophyll should be consumed raw. Food and nutrition specialist Julie Garden-Robinson recommends it. These are abundant in lutein and zeaxanthin found in some yellow veggies. They can help in more than one way. So add a lot of broccoli, spinach and beet greens to a delicious morning salad and enjoy a healthy snack. Don’t add mayo or cheese. And say yes to leafy lettuces and avocados. You can, however, add some boiled chicken to enrich its taste.
  • Red vegetables contain an essential antioxidant called lycopene which is very effective in combating cancer of the lungs, mouth or prostate. Tomatoes although technically a fruit, are listed as veggies and can be consumed raw. You might want to consume red cabbages, radishes and bell peppers.
  • Carrots high in beta-carotene content are very healthy when consumed raw. It is converted to vitamin A by the body and can help make your immune system and sight stronger. Yellow squashes can also be consumed raw.
  • White veggies like onions and garlic contain allicin may help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Juice it!

Fruit And Vegetable Juices

If consuming raw veggies like eggplants, asparagus, cabbages and sweet peas become cumbersome you can always throw them in a juicer. It’s a healthier option than overcooking them and draining them of all their nutrients. Don’t go to a shop for juice. The added preservatives are catastrophic to your health. Don’t store them with added sugar as well. Use them at home to make juice that is raw, healthy and unadulterated.

How to make your juice taste better? Add coconut, cranberries, blueberries, lemons and limes, and fresh ginger. These are healthier alternatives to sugar and can make your juice taste a lot better and easier to gulp down!

Consuming raw veggies can be breeding grounds for a lot of problems and diseases like carcinogenicity, suppression or redundancy of the immune system, miscarriages, parkinson’s diseases, neurotoxicity etc.since they contain unhealthy and carcinogen loaded insecticides. Make sure you buy from authentic, reliable vendors and you wash them properly and carefully before directly consuming them. Buy organic ones which are better in quality and fresh.

Frederic Patenaude, a long time advocate for raw and living foods offers various introductory courses in this regard. Go check them out, and take the green turn even if it’s not very lip smacking. Say no to unhealthy dietary habits because “a moment on the lips forever on the hips!”

Read Also: Why Do You Need Vitamin A And How To Get It?

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.