Want To Lose Weight Before Navratri? Try These

With barely a month left, doing these can still help you lose some weight or inches

Image Credit: dfordelhi.in

Celebrations are on in full swing and right at the heel of Ganesh Chaturthi is Navratri, which begins from the 10th of October, leaving you with a little less than a month.

If you’re looking to lose some more weight or inches in these coming few weeks, here are a few things that can help you.

Start With The Morning Detox

The start of the day has to be with some kind of a detox drink. One of the best ways to do this is to take a glass of warm water and add one or two tsp. of apple cider vinegar (with the mother) in it and drink it as it is. You can also squeeze in the juice of a lemon to get more benefits and taste. If this is too difficult, you can have warm water mixed with honey. If that too takes up too much time, just have three-four glasses of warm water.

Get Rid Of The Packaged Food

Add nuts and fruits to your breakfast

Image Credit: racheltalbott

If you’re in the habit of reaching out for packaged meats or packaged oats and so on for your breakfast, start eating fresh food that you have to really prepare at home. It could be something as simple as boiled eggs or toast or oats porridge or even a paratha – as long as it’s not in a packaged form.

Get Used To Salads

It is important that you have salads at least once in the day, with a mix of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beetroot if possible, some cabbage, lemon juice and so on. This will add as a super fibrous food for you and will help to eliminate the toxins from your body.

One Hour Of Dedicated Exercise

This again is up to you, which means that you can do whatever you are comfortable doing to stay active, but for an hour. It could be gymming, walking, swimming, running, dancing – anything – and a combo of activities is also great. The idea is to dedicate this much time to something strenuous that will make you sweat.

Do remember that if you are not well, are on any type of medication, or feel uncomfortable doing any of the above, please consult a doctor. Also, not all body types react in the same way and our metabolism rate is different too, so do this every day without a break and you’ll definitely benefit in some way.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.