Weight Loss Tips For Busy Weekdays

Try a few effective tricks that can help you lose weight


Admit it – one of your most-used excuses for not being able to exercise is that you’re busy. True, the Monday to Friday rush is something we don’t even want to comment on, but what if we told you that even as you’re running through the deadlines (yes, all puns intended), you can still manage to try a few effective tricks that can help you lose weight.

Before you roll your eyes, here’s a personal story – I lost 30 kg without hitting the gym, especially as I had no time, and have maintained the same weight for the past almost one year now.

3 EXERCISE tips for the busy week

Something is better than nothing – Don’t wait till your schedules are a little less packed to find a full hour each day for workout. Something is better than nothing, and even if it means you can barely manage a 10 minute workout each day, it’s definitely better than not doing it at all.
Find that window – Believe it or not, you will ALWAYS be able to find a little time slot in your busy day, whether it is before you leave for work, during your office break or even after you are back home. The best way to find that window is to jot down all your daily and weekly activities and take a look. You will definitely find a gap of at least 15 to 30 minutes each day that you can put aside for exercise.

(Image Credits: michellephan.com)

Improvise and add movement

Don’t have time for squats or step-ups? Take a 5 minute break at work and head to the staircase. Stand at the landing, do 5 squats, run up the staircase and back, repeat, repeat, repeat. There, you just did a mix of squats and step-ups! And yes, try and stand whenever you can instead of sitting, and while at it, stretch out on your toes and move your body upwards, and your calve stretches are done too! In case you travel by public transport, get off at least 30 minutes before your destination while returning and walk it.

(Image Credits: media.npr.org)

3 FOOD tips for the busy week

Take the smaller plate – When you are running out the door or eating at work, you often tend to pile on more food on your plate than you need and end up overeating. The easiest way to avoid this is to take a smaller plate. Because there is less space, you will finish what you really have to eat, before you get that second helping.(Image Credits:  amazonaws.com)

Plan your office meal the night before

Try to prepare these the previous night and all you have to do in the morning is pick up, go to work and eat a well-balanced home-prepared lunch. Boiled eggs (on their own or between bread slices), yogurt mix, nut trails, fruit or chicken salad are all easy to prepare and can be heated at work if needed.

Keep your goals at eye level

Just like you have your important work notes taped around your work area, make a list of food goals and stick them where you see them each day. For instance, set yourself a 30 day challenge – no sugar, no chips, no namkeen, yes green tea, yes salad, no rice, no roti or bread, no pizza or samosa, yes oats cookies, yes infused water and so on.
And hey, we’d love to hear back from you once you try these out, and know how it worked for you!