Which Of These Skincare Apps Do You Have?

Fine lines, toxic ingredients, sun protection – all your skin worries sorted

Image Credit: completewellbeing

Your phone is probably loaded with tons of apps that you use, out of which may be some are just lying in there.

But did you know that while there is an app for almost everything today, no matter what the use or not, there are some really cool apps that are going to let you take better care of your skin and track how you are doing.

Sounds interesting?

Here are some apps that can help you to keep a tab on your skin care regime and make the most out of the products that you use.

RYNKL – The App That Can Delay Those Wrinkles

An easy way to track your skin’s progress

Image Credit: agingbiomarkers

This app called RYNKL, no wonder it’s made to sound and read like wrinkle (!) claims that it can actually be your virtual wrinkle removing doctor and help you do just that. The app mainly tracks data about any signs of ageing on your face, as well as uses AI and various algorithms to understand and pre-mention about the changes that could soon be taking place. You have to take your selfies on a daily or weekly basis and feed it into the app, upon which it helps to point out which areas are prone to fine lines or which are the other problem areas on your face that need more attention.

Avoid The Toxins With Think Dirty

Breaking out the toxins from your skincare

Image Credit: calmerme

If you’re already thinking dirty, stop. Think Dirty is an app that helps to identify those ingredients in beauty and skincare products that have a potential to be toxic and therefore hazardous for your skin in the long run. The app was founded by Lily Tse who had a family history of cancer and wanted to find out safer alternatives to the toxic ingredients. You can use the scanner on any product you are planning to buy and the app will break down all the ingredients to safe or not safe.

Safe Sun Time With Sun Zapp

Your sun protection in your phone

Image Credit: shape

Did you really put on your sunscreen today? Or did you do so in the morning, then forgot to reapply it even when you spent the entire day out in the sun? If this sounds familiar, the Sun Zapp app can help you take care of your skin even when you’re outdoors. Tracking the weather forecast of where you are, it gives you tips and alerts about how you can take the best care against the sun, and also reminds you when it is time to reapply the sunscreen.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.