Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

Common mistakes which hinder in weight loss!

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By Ashu Gupta

It could be quite frustrating when after all you have been doing everything right, but are still not losing weight. We all are different and our bodies too behave differently. What could be one person’s dilemma, could be a blessing for the other. Out of many there are some obvious, some certain, some unknown and unseen and some beyond our control reasons that must have been erasing all our efforts to lose weight.

Losing weight is not all that easy as it may sound, but with proper approach and dedication it is not impossible too. Yet, after all the dedication and effort that we put into it, we at times are not able to achieve what we have aimed and this often leads us to give up or surrender. Let’s look at all these possible reasons that mar our efforts in the weight loss regime, so that we could probably take the best step in overcoming these difficulties.

Negative Feelings And Thoughts

Negative thought have negative effects on the body.

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You should remember that our mind and body are located inside the same framework and are closely related. Think positive and be nice to yourself. Don’t cloud your mind with negative feelings and thoughts. When the mind is heavy, it impacts the body too and it continues in the same state defying all your efforts of weight loss as it propels fat cells production.

You Are Too Stressed Out

Stress releases more cortisol this makes you fatter

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Stress causes the release of the hormone – cortisol. Cortisol in turn aids in the production of fat cells. Ensure that you get enough sleep and take on to ways to calm and relax. This will calm down your nerves and all anxieties. After all you don’t want to produce more fat cells, instead get rid of them.

You May Be Sleep Deprived

Sleep well..a good sleep helps you lose weight

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When you do not get good sleep, you feel weak and tired. And when you feel weak and tired, you reach out to easy foods as a coping up mechanism putting in more calories inside you. Proper sleep and rest is important for the body to properly store fats and utilizing it. Due to lack of sleep, it creates physiological stress and it make the body to store the fat inefficiently and not utilizing it.

You Might Be Under Certain Medication Or Drugs

Certain medicines tends you to put on weight

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Drugs behave differently when it comes to body weight. Certain drugs like the one used to cope with depression, seizures, mood disorders, diabetes, and migraine and like blood pressure drugs causes weight gain in users. Every drugs have its own way to increase weight – some increases appetite, some changes the way fat is stored in the body and some on how the insulin levels change. Some of the most common medicines that promote weight gain are – steroids, antidepressants, anti-psychotics, anti-seizures, medicines for diabetes, medicines for blood pressure and heartburn medications.

It Could Be Hypothyroidism

Physical problems like thyroid disorder make you put on weight

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One of the most common weight gain reasons is ‘hypothyroidism’. It considerably reduces your metabolic rate causing weight gain and loss of appetite. Symptoms like feeling tired, getting headaches, sleeping too much, intolerance to cold and alike is seen, you should immediately consult your physician. If after all the efforts you are not losing weight, hypothyroidism could be one of the prime reasons behind it.

Hitting A Plateau

Following a certain routine for a longer time, you hit a plateau and your body gets used to this pattern, change.

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If you have been doing everything right and initially it was good, but now it has slowed down, it might be possible that your metabolism has hit a plateau. It’s time to change it. Change completely – the foods that you eat, the exercises that you do and even the routine that you follow. Tweak all but in a healthy manner.

If we keep in mind that losing weight requires patience, determination, dedication, and some minor changes in our lifestyle, then half the battle is won!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.

Ashu Gupta
Ashu Gupta is the founder of Ashu Gupta’s Diet Clinic and an acclaimed dietician and nutritionist.She staunchly believes that healthy living is not about just eating plain and tasteless foods and following strict guidelines with a lot of restrictions, but it is about enjoying life to the fullest with certain lifestyle modifications and enjoying all the good foods. Her dedication is her belief and her realistic approach to diet and nutrition has made her carve a niche for herself in this highly competitive atmosphere.