5 Hollywood Movies to Help You Get Over a Break-up

Some all time flicks to help you shake off the break-up blues and move on.


While Bollywood gave us amazing break up songs this year in Dear Zindagi and Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, there is more to get over a heart break. While break-ups can be really difficult emotionally, it is a good opportunity to start afresh. So throw your ex’s stuff out, cleanse yourself and watch these movie to begin anew.

1. 500 Days Of Summer

This film by Marc Webb is become a cult for every broken heart. It teaches us that some people come in our lives, not to stay, but to teach us something important. And life never stops with their departure. It only means something new.

(Image credits: filmtakeout.com)

2. Legally Blond

Directed by Robert Luketic, and based on a novel by the same name by Amanda Brown, this film is a reminder that there is more to a person than they themselves realize. If you achieve your true potential, you will meet a partner who meets your match perfectly.

(Image credits: mentalfloss.com)

3. Erin Brockovich

A biographical film by Steven Soderbergh, this film reminds us that you can move mountains alone if you fix your heart on the right cause. The powerful Julia Robert rocks the movie with her inimitable style.


4. Whatever Works

This film by Woody Allen is funny is his quintessential way. It just goes to show that love is more complicated that we make it out to be, and in life, we should just go with the flow with whatever works for us. You cannot control emotions to your whims. Love can happen anytime and anywhere.

(Image credits: aceshowbiz.com)

5. My Best Friend’s Wedding

A film by P J Hogan, this film is a remedy for unrequited love. Julia Robert loses her sense of self as she embarks to sabotage her best friend’s wedding, and realizes that real love is about sacrifice and compromise.

(Image credits: hannahhartbeat.com)

Watch these films to move on in life and grab the opportunity for something fresh.