FryDay:Dunno About Anyone Else But My ‘Bheja’ Was Absolutely Fry ed!

FryDay releases at a perfect time; just when the law has declared that adultery is no longer considered a crime in India!


My ‘bheja’ was already ‘garam’ with the back to back movies to watch and review this week. 6 movies released this Friday out of which I watched 4 and FryDay was one of them. I walked into the theater hoping for some kind of comic relief after an exhausting day but that ended up to be nothing more than just wishful thinking!

FryDay is about a water purifier salesman, Rajiv(Varun Sharma) who is desperately trying to sell water purifiers in order to save his job at the water purifying company he works in. He finally manages to find a buyer with the help of an ex-salesman Manchanda (Sanjay Mishra) and goes to the buyers house to fix the purifier only to find himself in the middle of a mess!

The house is owned by Gagan (Govinda) and his wife who is a social worker. Gagan is a desperate middle-aged theater actor, who is sex-deprived as his wife is too busy dealing with social issues. So in order to fulfill his desires, he’s having an affair with a much woman; Bindu (Digangana Suryavanshi) who is also married to someone else and is not happy in her marriage! Looks like the makers chose a perfect time to release the film when the law has said that adultery is no longer considered a crime in India!

Govinda plays a sex deprived husband in FryDay

One Friday when Gagan’s wife goes off to Shimla for her social work, Gagan decides to bring Bindu home. That’s when Rajiv comes to Gagan’s house to fix the water purifier as instructed by Gagan’s wife. Then starts the roller coaster ride of madness! For a minute you really don’t know what’s happening. The house is a madhouse and all the people who have co-incidentally been brought together into the house are a crazy lot!

Varun Sharma’s role as a salesman n FryDay is relatable

I absolutely did not find the first half funny! But I could hear a bunch of people laughing out loud throughout the movie, making me wonder if they had actually been paid and planted there to do so! The second half though did manage to make me laugh just a wee bit.

Govinda is still full of energy and has good comic timing barring a few scenes

Varun as the small-town boy, stuck in the big city, trying to make a living is quite relatable. His comic timing is good and overall he has performed well. Govinda obviously is not Govinda without his over-the-top style of acting. Digangana was good and she was one of the better actors among the lot.

While the trailer looked like it would be a fun laughter riot, the film was a huge disappointment. The film is full of mindless gags, which I am not really a fan of. For those who enjoy such gags, this is a film they should watch but for all those who don’t, it’s better to give the film a miss!