Five Demi Lovato Songs That Can Totally Lift You Up!

Feeling low? Had a bad day? Just listen to what Demi Lovato has to say

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Yes, that’s exactly what I do, at times when I feel really low and have had a rough day, all I need to do for some inspiration is listen to Demi Lovato’s songs. The lyrics of Demi Lovato’s songs are truly inspiring. It’s probably because of her own battles with bipolar disorder, addiction and bulimia and her sensitivity to mental health that drives her to write such uplifting lyrics in most of her songs.

It’s not just me but many of her songs have inspired and helped people all across the world overcome their struggles in life. That’s the reason why as soon as reports of Demi being admitted to hospital spread there was an outpouring of support for Demi on social media not just from other musicians and celebrities but also so many of her fans who she has inspired with her songs.

As we pray for Demi’s speedy recovery and wait for her to get back up on her feet again, let’s take a look at some of her most inspiring songs. Songs that have helped so many all around the world with their inspiring lyrics.

Skyscraper: Demi Says “I Will Be Rising From The Ground Like A Skyscraper!”

“You can take everything I have You can break everything I am Like I’m made of glass Like I’m made of paper Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper..”

The lyrics of Demi’s song Skyscraper is not only inspiring but has a great deeper meaning. The song also has great vocals.

Fire Starter: She’s Jane Bond And You Better Watch Out!

“I’m a badass Jumping off the moving train I’m a Jane Bond putting all them guys to shame I’m a wild card And I’m gonna steal your game You better watch out…”

Just like Superman has the “S” under his regular clothes, Demi says she has an “S” in this song which means that Demi’s a Superwoman and she’s also the female version of James Bond who can put all the guys to shame! We all have that superpower within us, don’t we? So you better watch out guys!

La La Land; Demi Lovato Doesn’t Need To Be A Supermodel In La La Land!

“Who said I can’t wear my Converse with my dress? Oh, baby, that’s just me! And who said I can’t be single I have to go out and mingle. Baby, that’s not me No, no….” so says Demi Lovato in the song La La Land.

The song is basically about the kind of famous people, the supermodel kinds one meets in Hollywood etc. and how she doesn’t need to be like them. Demi was only 15 when she sang this song. It also tells us about the fake lives celebrities live and how she wants to just be her and doesn’t want to change a thing in her life. I love her pink wig bit in the song!

This Is Me: Yes Just Being You Is The Best Way To Be!

“This is the real, this is me I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now Gonna let the light Shine on me Now I found Who I am There’s no way to hold it in No more hiding who I want to be This is me…”

This song is truly inspiring as it tells us that we don’t have to be popular or famous just being ourselves is the best beauty of all times!

Warrior: There’s A Warrior Within Us All, No More Hiding Who You Want To Be!

“Now I’m a warrior Now I’ve got thicker skin I’m a warrior I’m stronger than I’ve ever been And my armour, is made of steel, you can’t get in I’m a warrior And you can never hurt me again”

Demi Lovato’s Warrior is deep and emotional. Warrior is a powerful song about being strong and about accepting ourselves as we are and not hiding our true selves.

Believe In Me: Everyone’s Perfect In An Unusual Way

“I’m losing myself, trying to compete With everyone else Instead of just being me Don’t know where to turn I’ve been stuck in this routine I need to change my ways instead of always being weak I don’t want to be afraid I want to wake up feeling beautiful today And know that I’m okay cause everyone’s perfect in an unusual way So see I just want to believe in me…”

Demi Lovato’s Believe In Me is magical and very inspiring. When you need to boost your confidence, all you need to do is listen to this song. Demi says that she’s a survivor and not broken no matter what because she’s a warrior! And we know don’t we?

Here’s wishing this warrior woman a speedy recovery, her fans need more inspiration and want her back on her feet!