Trending Hip Hop Songs That Will Make You Groove

Are you fond of the hip hop culture?

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Ready to shake your leg on the trending hip hop songs? Well, even if you are not a party animal, we have listed some trending songs that will motivate you to shake your body. Or you can just listen to them and let your funky side come out. We are sure after you listen to these songs, you can’t get enough of them. Following are the songs you need to hear from the most popular genre of music.

Life Is Beautiful By Lil Peep

As the name suggests this song describes that life is beautiful. Every day is a struggle but you should be able to make most out of your life and cherish every moment you are blessed with.

It Gets Better (With Time) By The Internet

This hip hop track is a part of Hive Mind that motivates you to be patient when things are not going right in your life. There is a wheel of time that keeps rotating itself, so the things are going to get better with time.

Stargazing By Travis Scott

This track by Travis Scott is all about love and seriousness. Travis has mentioned his fears and struggles through this song.

Boys By Lizzo

This is against objectifying women that go on in our society. This song is to celebrate sexual liberty from a female’s perspective.

God’s Plan By Drake

The track has philanthropic music and as the music name suggests, the song is all about how our lives are planned by God.

Paranoia By Jevon

Paranoia is about the baffled state of mind. This track by Jevon is all about the obsession and mental stress.

Nice For What By Drake

This track is about female confidence and her independence. Her willingness and capability to pay all her bills, clubbing alone and living with or without her partner. It’s all about how women can be self sufficient and independent.

If you haven’t heard these songs, just plug in your earphones and play the tracks.