5 Super Fun But Non-sexual Bedroom Activities

Bedroom activities are sacred. Make sure to preserve its sanctity! *wink wink*

Image Credit: Movie- Shuddh Desi Romance

Intimacy is a multi-layered facet in a relationship. While humping each other’s brains out might be your most favorite activity, it isn’t the only activity you can do in bed. There are many ways to explore and build intimacy with your partner in the bed, and they’re not all sexual!

Give Them A Relaxing Massage

Never a bad idea to pamper your SO!

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Always better received than sex, a surprise massage session where you’re the masseuse is a sure shot way to winning their heart all over again. Help them release their stress and tension with a few soft strokes here and there. A couple of scented candles and dimmed lights always help amp up the ambience.

Binge-Watch Your Favorite Show

Probably the most clichéd idea but always works like a magic!

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

What is a better way to bond than to watch reruns of your favorite shows/movies and sharing popcorn (or not, whatever) with your partner. It is the most basic and simple activity couples do together but it somehow is very endearing – the whole concept of just enjoying each other’s company.

Go To Sleep Cuddling

In all honesty, what’s better than cuddling itself is to wake up in the middle of the night to realize you’ve been cuddling all along and go back to sleep all smiley. Fun fact: Science supports cuddling too. They say that cuddling reduces stress and helps you sleeps better and more soundly. What better reason do you want? It is a doctor-recommended activity.

Breakfast In Bed

What you do with that breakfast is totally up to you! 😛

Image Credit: Movie – Saathiya

This one is a hands-down winner. Now who wouldn’t to wake up to the sight of an elaborate spread of their favorite breakfast foods and a hot cuppa coffee? There is no better activity than to savor a meal served and shared with love. What a romantic way to start the day.

Talk Till The Sun Rises

Please make sure not to bore your partner to sleep, okay? 😛

Image Credit: Movie – Pyaar Ka Punchnama

You have to agree with us on this. Aren’t your best nights the ones where you stay up talking all night and sharing your deepest feelings with your partners? There is some sense of intimacy in baring your soul in front of the person you love. Nothing builds up trust in a relationship like a night full of talking.

Take the opportunity of some alone time together to rejuvenate your relationship and step it up once in a while. Getting out of the routines with these little tricks can really help unravel another layer of intimacy.