5 Things To Know Before Going On A First Date

Beat the stress of a first date


Never been on a date before and getting set to go for one, can be nerve-racking, it can give you the jitters. You’ve probably never met the person before. These days especially people meet their first dates online either on social media or via dating apps. When it comes to actually meeting the person face to face even the bravest will be stressed. Like Renee Zellweger says in the movie, Jerry Maguire: “You had me at hello!” remember, sometimes one word is all it takes to start a date. Here are a few tips which might just help you prepare for that first date.

Never stalk a person online before a date

Don’t be over-informed about the person you are going out on a date with before you actually go n the date. While it’s wise to be safe and find out if the person you are going out has no criminal records, it’s unwise to know every tiny detail about him, his life, his family, his dog etc. You’ll have less to talk about or might just get bored to death ‘coz you already know so much about him.

Be confident and decisive

(Image credits: hercampus)

When you meet someone for the first time, you also want to make a lasting impression especially if you like the boy or girl. Like the saying; first impression is the last impression. Have a plan and be very sure about where you want to go and what you want to do, don’t just do what they like or say things like; “I’ll go wherever you want to go” or “I am ok with whatever you want to eat or do.” Being decisive will also make life a lot easier for your date.

Don’t be in a hurry

(Image credits: wheretogoin)

Take your time, eat slowly so the other person does not feel that you are in a rush to get away from him or her. They might think you are in a frantic hurry to get up and leave. Enjoy your time together, get to know each other.

Remember the other person is just as nervous as you

When you go on that first date, it’s natural to feel nervous and think about how it’s going to go and what’s going to happen. Just relax and remember the other person is equally nervous. They are equally unaware of how you are and what you would think or how you would react etc. All the stress may take away the charm of that first date.

Remember to be yourself

(Image credits: discotktv)

People like it when you are real and it’s also easier to have a conversation with a real person than someone who seems to have just popped out of a soap opera. Don’t rehearse your lines, just go with the flow and be natural
Now that you know what to do or not do, just try and have a good time and make your first date an affair to remember!